Healthier and Delicious Super Bowl Recipes

January 30, 2020

Get in the game with healthier and delicious Super Bowl recipes and healthy eating tips! 

healthier and delicious super bowl recipe roundup

“Defense! Defense!”

That’s what you need to be cheering this weekend as you get ready to attend a Super Bowl party. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Super Bowl Sunday is the second biggest food day for Americans (Thanksgiving is #1). Given that just a month ago many of you have likely made some New Year’s resolutions to eat eat better and exercise more, it seems pretty crazy to undo all that hard work in just one afternoon.

But all those small changes you’ve made over the past month don’t have to go down the drain. You will be faced with tempting foods, many that are more indulgent than your usual day to day fare, but if you go in prepared you can enjoy game day and wake up Monday morning with no regrets. 

Your Playbook for a Healthy Super Bowl Sunday

  1. Get in at least 30 minutes of sweat-inducing cardio before the Big Game. Go for a power walk, run, bike ride, or move your body on the elliptical – whatever you enjoy most.
  2. Make sure both breakfast and lunch are loaded with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. And definitely do not skip those meals.
  3. Prepare a healthy dish or two for the game to ensure you’ll have at least one better-for-you option to fall back on. (See the healthier and delicious super bowl recipes below)
  4. Have a snack before you head out to avoid overeating when you arrive. The best snack is one that has some protein and/or healthy fat to keep you satiated.
  5. Check out what food is being offered before filling your plate. This way you can plan your plate to have a balance of protein, carbs, and vegetables.
  6. Drink wisely. It’s okay to enjoy your drink of choice in moderation, but be sure to have lots of water throughout the night to stay hydrated and prevent you from confusing thirst for hunger.
  7. Enjoy yourself. I am a true believer that all foods fit in moderation and special events and parties are an appropriate time to be a little more indulgent than usual. Just be sure to choose what is really special and not something you would have any other day.

Back to tip number three above, what are some healthier options you can make or bring with you? Here are 45+ of them to try!

Healthier and Delicious Super Bowl Recipes

Flatbreads, Pizzas, and Quesadillas

Small Bites & Finger Food

Soups, Stews, & Chilis

Pasta Dishes

Salads & Side Dishes




Check out my Football Season & Super Bowl Pinterest page for even more recipes to enjoy this Super Bowl Sunday!


Do you have a favorite healthier and delicious Super Bowl recipe?

Share with me in the comments below!

healthier delicious super bowl recipes roundup

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  1. I had no idea Super Bowl Sunday was such a big food holiday! I love those ideas you listed, and the roundup is full of recipes I need to add to my list!

    1. It’s so crazy, right? Especially after everyone makes resolutions for the New Year! Hope you get a chance to try some of the recipes, Melanie!

    1. It’s pretty crazy! Just goes to show how much we eat all in the name of football! Thanks so much for checking out my recipes!

    1. Thanks Sonali! Those bites are really fun little hors d’ourves and also great to make ahead and freeze for those days when you just can’t get lunch done in time for the kids (or yourself)!