
Strawberry Kefir Smoothie

This bright and creamy Strawberry Kefir Smoothie is filled with good-for-your-gut probiotics and is a quick and easy breakfast or snack that will satisfy your tastebuds. I’m not going to lie – I’ve never been the biggest smoothie fan. They’re easy to make and depending on what’s in them, they are refreshing and yummy, but I’m more of an “eat…

Menu Plan Monday: February 13, 2017

The latest happenings at Small Bites by Jessica, get ready for Valentine’s Day, this week’s Link Love, and Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Happy Monday everyone! What a week we had here in NY last week. We got about a foot of snow on Wednesday night, meaning we were snowed in on Thursday and we’ve been covered in snow since! My…

Health Benefits of Cocoa + Whole Grain Double Chocolate Muffins

Learn about the health benefits of cocoa and how to add more to your diet, starting with a recipe for Whole Grain Double Chocolate Muffins!   Pin the Recipe Valentine’s Day always stirs up visions of flowers, candy, and most importantly, lots of chocolate! While you may think that all of those chocolate kisses (or these chocolate peanut butter truffles!)…

Menu Plan Monday: February 6, 2017

The latest happenings at Small Bites by Jessica, this week’s Link Love, and Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Hey everyone! Hope you had a great weekend! We were in Atlanta for my nephew’s bar mitzvah, which was a ton of fun and such a special occasion! My girls were so excited to dance with their big cousins and show off some…

Welch’s Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest

Celebrate Heart Month with the Concord grape! Throughout February, enter your heart-healthy recipes into Welch’s Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest! This post and contest are sponsored by Welch’s and are in no way associated with the American Heart Association®. I was compensated for my time and for hosting the Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest, but as always all opinions are…

Menu Plan Monday: January 30, 2017

The latest happenings at Small Bites by Jessica, this week’s Link Love, and Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend! We had a pretty low-key weekend, which was good since this week is going to be crazy busy for me! In case you missed it, last week I shared Kaleigh’s guest post about gut…

Miso-Glazed Chicken Breasts

Miso-Glazed Chicken Breasts are the perfect weeknight dinner – quick and easy to make, kid-friendly, and full of flavor and nutrition! If you follow my Menu Plan Monday series, you’ve probably noticed that weeknight dinners tend to be a lot of vegetarian meals like frittatas, all-in-one pasta dishes, and meals based around beans and lentils. We are by no means…

How to Feed a Healthy Gut: Prebiotics & Probiotics

Learn all about prebiotics and probiotics, why they are important, and how you can get them in your diet! This post was written by Kaleigh McMordie, MCN, RDN You may have been hearing a lot about gut health lately. Everywhere you turn, someone is touting the benefits of gut health or talking about the gut microbiota in some way. If you don’t…

Menu Plan Monday: January 23, 2017

The latest happenings at Small Bites by Jessica, this week’s Link Love, and Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Hope you had a great weekend! We were away skiing this past weekend and I came home to a leak in my basement and lots of laundry to do (keeping it real here guys!), so I’m just stopping in quickly today to…

Asian-Style Farro Buddha Bowl with Crispy Baked Tofu

Stick to your healthy eating goals with this vegetarian and vegan-friendly Farro Buddha Bowl packed with veggies and protein, and full of Asian inspired flavor. Pin this Recipe Buddha bowls are a big deal in the foodie world these days – according to Pinterest they’re predicted to be among the top 10 food trends of 2017. You’ve probably seen your fair…

Baked Tilapia with Fennel & Dried Plums

Herb and spice-rubbed baked tilapia is served over a bed of caramelized  fennel, onions, and dried plums for a quick and easy weeknight dinner and delicious way to boost your seafood intake. This recipe originally appeared in the January 2017 issue of Today’s Dietitian Magazine. I was compensated for writing the original article, “Tender Tilapia,” and developing the recipe, but…