Search Results for "salmon"

5 Quick, Easy and Healthy School Lunch Ideas + 40+ Recipes To Try

Packing a healthy school lunch for your kids is quick and easy with these five kid- and mom-approved ideas (plus 40+ recipes to put them into action)! Pin this Post Everyone knows what the month of August is well-known for: back to school season (and brutally hot temperatures, at least here in NY!). But did you know that August is…

Menu Plan Monday: August 1, 2016

What’s going on in August, this week’s Link Love, and Menu Plan Monday. Happy Monday! I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe that it’s the first day of August and the summer is almost over. In fact, for some kids, summer is officially over as school started today?! It’s always so crazy to me how quickly the summer…

All About Tomatoes + Caprese Couscous Stuffed Tomatoes

Learn about the varieties, health benefits, & culinary uses of fresh summer tomatoes. Then enjoy delicious & healthy Caprese Couscous Stuffed Tomatoes! Pin the Recipe Summer is the ultimate season for fresh, juicy tomatoes! I personally love summer tomatoes, especially ones that are home grown in my parents’ garden or purchased from the farmers market. Not only are tomatoes delicious…

Menu Plan Monday: July 25, 2016

Get grilling with this week’s Menu Plan Monday! Plus Link Love you don’t want to miss. Hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed cool! It’s been hot, hot, hot here in New York, so we spent a lot of time swimming and enjoying cooling foods. Speaking of which, did you catch my Watermelon & Lemon Mint Ricotta Stacks last week?…

70 + Healthy & Delicious Summer Barbecue Recipes

A delicious roundup of healthy summer barbecue recipes to keep you fit and your taste buds happy all season long! Who has plans for Independence Day, aka- my favorite holiday? Are you cooking out? I hope so. I sure am! Last week I shared some healthy eating tips with you on how to navigate backyard barbecues while still enjoying yourself….

5 of My Favorite Recipe ReDuxer Recipes!

Five of my favorite healthy food bloggers from The Recipe ReDux and their recipes! For the past five years I have participated in a monthly recipe challenge with The Recipe ReDux. It has been so much fun being challenged to come up with new recipes that fit the theme, meeting and socializing online with other culinary registered dietitians and healthy…

5 Ways to Help Kids Meet Their Calcium Requirements

In honor of National Dairy Month, here are my top five ways to help kids meet their calcium requirements throughout the week! This post is sponsored by Chobani in honor of National Dairy Month. I was compensated for my time, but as always all opinions are my own. June is National Dairy Month and if your kids are anything like mine…

Menu Plan Monday: June 13, 2016

What’s been happening lately at Small Bites by Jessica, my top 5 meal planning tips, link love and this week’s menu plan! Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! Did anyone enjoy one of these Watermelon Mojitos Kaleigh shared last week? I know my Sonali over at The Foodie Physician made some – lucky girl! Hope you…

Menu Plan Monday: May 30, 2016

Learn the Joy of Eating and get this week’s Menu Plan Monday plus Link Love! Happy Memorial Day! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed some fun in the sun and some nutritious and delicious eats! We enjoyed a nice mix of swimming, time with family and friends, and some yummy food. My husband actually made me dinner Saturday…

Menu Plan Monday: May 23, 2016

What I’ve been up to, getting ready for Memorial Day Weekend, and this week’s Link Love and Menu Plan Monday! Menu Plan Monday and Link Love are back! Apologies for not posting last week, but keep in mind that if you ever need meal planning ideas you can always head over to my Meal Planning Pinterest board for a collection of…

50 Healthy & Delicious Homemade Picnic Recipes

These delicious and healthy homemade picnic recipes are perfect for enjoying the beautiful days of spring and summer outdoors with your family! Pin this Post There is nothing more enjoyable on a pretty day than enjoying a meal outside with somebody you love. It’s one of my very favorite things to do, whether my husband and I are outside grilling, I…