meal plan

Menu Plan Monday: April 30, 2018

Latest Happenings Spring weather is finally here and I’m excited for all the new fruits and veggies of the season to hit the produce section at my local supermarkets. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago on Facebook that I was having trouble finding rhubarb, but it’s finally popping up and yesterday – to my daughters’ delight – I made…

Menu Plan Monday: April 9, 2018

Latest Happenings Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and Passover! It was a long week in our house with the kids off from school and eight days of matzo, but we made it through. To celebrate, Saturday night my hubby and I went out for a big Italian dinner with friends – we were all so happy to have bread…

Menu Plan Monday: March 19, 2018

Latest Happenings Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve shared a new post with you all, especially a menu plan. My apologies for the hiatus – between snowstorms, power outages, and a couple of ski trips we’ve been a bit off our routine in my house. But don’t worry – I have still been meal planning, I just haven’t…

Menu Plan Monday: November 13, 2017

The latest happenings, Link Love, and this week’s menu plan! Latest Happenings: It feels like just a couple of weeks ago we were saying “when is fall going to be here?!” and now the weather is in the 30s and 40s and my favorite holiday is less than two weeks away! I love the laid back atmosphere of Thanksgiving day…

Menu Plan Monday: November 6, 2017

The latest happenings, Link Love, and this week’s menu plan!   Latest Happenings: In last week’s Small Bites by Jessica newsletter, I shared a few of my favorite things, including the inclusion of my Apple Cinnamon Cake in Women’s Running Magazine and the release of the Fertility Foods Cookbook, the passion project of two of my colleagues and friends, Liz…

Menu Plan Monday: October 23, 2017

Keeping it real, Link Love, and this week’s menu plan! Latest Happenings: When I launched Small Bites by Jessica, one of my promises was to keep it real and give you an inside look into the challenges I too face in the kitchen and at the table. Since you know I’m a big proponent of meal planning and prep, you…

Menu Plan Monday: October 9, 2017

Find out what’s new at Small Bites by Jessica and get this week’s menu plan and link love! Latest Happenings: Have you gotten on the pumpkin train yet this fall? The weather hasn’t felt much like it, but fall is technically here and I’m finally starting to embrace the change of seasons. Last week my girls and I started every…

Menu Plan Monday: September 25, 2017

Find out what’s new at Small Bites by Jessica and get this week’s menu plan and link love! Latest Happenings: I hope you had a great weekend and for those of you who celebrated Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, I wish you a sweet and good new year! I’m so glad it’s Monday and the kids are back in…

Menu Plan Monday: September 18, 2017

Find out what’s new at Small Bites by Jessica and get this week’s menu plan and link love! Latest Happenings: After a busy weekend, it was quite hard getting out of bed this morning, but alas, Monday is on its way. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my Instastory last night showing some of my meal…

Menu Plan Monday: August 21, 2017

Celebrate Kids Eat Right Month and get this week’s Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Did you know? August is Kids Eat Right Month! Perfect timing since kids are heading back to school and parents are looking for ways to encourage their kids to eat healthier and get back on track after summer break, which at least in our house included…

Menu Plan Monday: August 7, 2017

Small Bites by Jessica is here! Get an inside look along with this week’s Link Love and Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Happy Monday and welcome to Small Bites by Jessica! In case you haven’t noticed, things have changed a bit around here. My site got a makeover along with a brand new name. If you get my newsletter and…