Search Results for "salmon"

Menu Plan Monday: December 28, 2015

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday! Based on the pictures I saw all over Instagram and Facebook, it certainly seems that everyone I know had a festive holiday and ate and drank a lot of delicious food over the past few days! In case you were among those who overdid it, check out this Prevention article I’m quoted in with…

Menu Plan Monday: December 21, 2015

Happy and healthy holiday week! Check out this week’s Link Love and Menu Plan Monday!    The winter holiday week has finally arrived and even though I personally don’t celebrate Christmas, the festive feeling is in the air. As is the stress. It’s a little sad that this time of year brings about so much stress for most people. For me…

Menu Plan Monday: December 14, 2015

Get ready for the holidays with lots of holiday gift and recipe links to love and a pared down menu plan Monday!   Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend and is staying calm and stress-free as the height of the holiday season gets closer. I can’t say I’ve been doing the best job at this, but it’s a work in…

Menu Plan Monday: December 7, 2015

Weekend recap, link love, and menu plan Monday!  Happy Monday and, to all who celebrate, Happy Hanukkah! This past weekend was a lot of fun and filled with festivities! Saturday we took the girls to see The Peanuts Movie, which was their first in-theater movie! They loved it (and have been obsessed with the Meghan Trainor Better When I’m Dancin’ song…

Menu Plan Monday: November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving is over, but the holiday season is just getting started. Link Love filled with holiday eating tips and a menu plan to get you back on track! Did everyone have a great Thanksgiving? I sure hope so! We had a wonderful weekend filled with activities with family and friends, and of course a lot of food! In case you…

Menu Plan Monday: November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving week is here! Get your last minute recipes and healthy eating tips, plus this week’s menu plan and links to love! “It’s the final countdown…doo doo doo…the final countdown!” Ok, that’s my attempt to sing the 1980s song as I think about the fact that Thanksgiving is THIS THURSDAY!!! (Anyone else remember that song from color war days at…

Miso-Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Root Veggies + Natural Pregnancy Cookbook Review

Sweet and salty glazed Brussels sprouts and root vegetables are inspired by Dr. Sonali Ruder, aka The Foodie Physician, author of the Natural Pregnancy Cookbook. I received a complimentary copy of the Natural Pregnancy Cookbook to review. No compensation was involved and as always, all opinions are my own. It’s a funny thing how you make friends these days. Yes, there are my mommy…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of October 26, 2015

Nutritioulicious posts you may have missed last week, plus this week’s squash-filled Menu Plan Monday.  Hope everyone had a great weekend! In case you missed it, Saturday was the annual celebration of Food Day. I joined a Food Day Blogger Takeover and shared my thoughts on making fruits and vegetables center stage. I’d love to hear how you you work towards a…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of September 28, 2015

What I love about October, recipes and articles you may have missed, and this week’s menu.  Is Thursday really the start of October?! So hard to believe, especially since I’m still getting use out of my open-toe shoes (these are the important things, right?! Lol, JK!). When I think of October, my mind goes to #AllThingsPumpkin, comfy cozy sweaters and puffy…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of September 14, 2015

Wishing a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year to all who celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Plus Link Love & this week’s Menu Plan Monday!  Shana Tova  – Happy and Healthy New Year to all who are celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana! Last night we had a feast at our house! My husband smoked a 5…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of August 10, 2015

Healthy lunch box ideas, links to love, and recipes to keep you cooking in August Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had beautiful weather and a pretty relaxing couple of days – at least as relaxing as it can be with two 3 1/2 year olds running around wreaking havoc everywhere you turn. I really don’t understand why…