menu planning

Menu Plan Monday: Week of March 2, 2015

 Celebrate National Nutrition Month® in March and Bite Into a Healthy Menu Plan Monday! Welcome to March! The snow is still falling in NY, but we are having a heat wave today with 35 degree F temps – woohoo! I think it’s an understatement to say that we’re excited for spring around here. What better way to get in the mood…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 26, 2015

Stocking up and cooking some cold weather recipes for a snowy week ahead. Are you ready for a blizzard?! That’s what everyone around here is talking about. Yesterday afternoon I stopped at Trader Joe’s to pick up some fresh produce for my childrens’ nursery school class (I’m snack parent this week) and the line of cars to get into the…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 12, 2015

Menu Plan Monday is back and this week’s menu is filled with nutritious and delicious recipes from the Nutritioulicious archives and Pinterest pages! We took a little hiatus over the holidays, but we have a menu that rocks this week and we can’t wait to see what you have on yours! Before we get to what we’ll be eating this…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of December 8, 2014

Start your week on the right track with a menu plan & learn about my nutrition philosophy with Smart Nutrition! Things are a little hectic around here this week, so I don’t have that much to say on this cold Monday morning. Below you’ll find our menu for the week. Also, if you’re interested in learning a little more about me and…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving has passed, and now it’s time to get back to routine – at least until the next round of holiday festivities! If you’re trying to keep things healthy this year, check out the Elf for Health Challenges started by my blogger friend (and fellow RDN) Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean. Today starts the second week, which includes challenges like eating the…

Thanksgiving Recipes and Menu Plan Monday: Week of November 17, 2014

In less than two weeks we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving, the US cooking holiday of the year for home cooks! (Check out more 2014 Thanksgiving trends from Whether you’re hosting the turkey day meal or bringing a side dish to a friend’s house, it’s always fun to get some culinary inspiration and try a new dish on the holiday. With so many Thanksgiving…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of October 27, 2014

The past week has been a whirlwind as I attended the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (aka FNCE) in Atlanta and came home just in time to get cooking with moms from my girls’ nursery school for our annual parents’ cocktail party. While I’m still trying to catch up on what I missed while…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 28, 2014

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Anyone read last week’s Tara Parker Pope’s NY Times Well Column, The Lure of Forbidden Food? In a nutshell, some new research shows that when food is off limits to children, they want it more. Nothing so new to me here – I believe this is true for everyone, adults and children alike. Which…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 27, 2014

Super Bowl week is here! Coming up on Nutritioulicious this week, we’ll help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions with our Super Bowl Party Playbook. In the meantime, here’s what I’m cooking this week! Week of January 27, 2014 Monday: Roasted Salmon with Orange-Lentil Salad Tuesday: Panko-Crusted Chicken with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Sweetpotatoes Wednesday: Pasta with Roasted Tomatoes, Olives, Ricotta, and…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of December 30, 2013

With Christmas week behind us, it’s amazing that 2014 is only a couple days away. Boy, did this year go by quickly! And right after we toast to the New Year, we’ll be celebrating my twin daughters’ 2nd birthday. I can’t believe they will be TWO!!! Even though you still have New Year’s Eve parties and dinners to get through,…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of November 18, 2013

Happy Monday! We’re getting close to the final Thanksgiving countdown. What are you doing to get ready? Stay tuned this week for some tips to have a healthy Thanksgiving, this month’s Recipe ReDux, and a post about a very special ingredient! In the meantime, here’s our menu for the week. Week of November 18, 2013 Monday: Leftover Thai Curry Beef over Quinoa Tuesday: Chicken…