Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 12, 2015

January 12, 2015

Menu Plan Monday is back and this week’s menu is filled with nutritious and delicious recipes from the Nutritioulicious archives and Pinterest pages!

We took a little hiatus over the holidays, but we have a menu that rocks this week and we can’t wait to see what you have on yours!

Before we get to what we’ll be eating this week, let me take a minute to direct you to my New Year 2015 post from last week, in which I talk about the primary health and wellness improvement I want to make in  the year ahead. I also provide you with some tools from the Bell Institute Health and Nutrition to help you and those you love make healthier choices and eat better in the New Year (full disclosure, the post was sponsored). If you didn’t get to see it last week, take a look today and let me know what improvements you want to make in 2015!

Now, back to this week’s menu, which includes fan and family favorites from last year and a few recipes from fellow bloggers that I found through shared Pinterest boards and Recipe ReDux.

Menu plan monday

Week of January 12, 2015

Monday: Sweetpotato Black Bean Quesadillas with Spinach Salad with Jicama, Black Beans, and Lime Vinaigrette

Tuesday: Salmon Lettuce Wraps with Pistachio Cream (recipe from Danielle @ Food Confidence) with Blood Orange and Fennel Salad (recipe from Anne @ Craving Something Healthy)

Wednesday: Greek Lentil Soup (recipe from Jeanette @ Jeanette’s Healthy Living)

Thursday: Off Duty (probably have leftovers)

Friday: Coconut Lime Chicken with Shorty’s Brown Rice and Roasted Broccoli

What’s on your menu this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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    1. Thanks Sonali! Can’t wait to see the quinoa fried “rice” recipe – I can already tell that’s something I’ll want to make!

  1. All of these recipes sound amazing. I am finally getting back on track with more menu planning! One of my goals is to utilize my cookbooks more often. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Alanna! Good luck getting back on track – was definitely a challenge for me after the holidays, but feels so good to be back!

  2. You are so organized. I’m jealous. I typically fly by the seat of my pants, and somehow, I always pull off dinner! The salmon wraps from Danielle look amazing…can’t wait to hear how that turns out for you.

    1. Thanks Liz! I don’t even want to think about what would happen if I didn’t plan our menu in advance! One of the few ways I maintain my sanity during the week, lol!