Menu Plan Monday: Week of March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015

 Celebrate National Nutrition Month® in March and Bite Into a Healthy Menu Plan Monday!

Welcome to March! The snow is still falling in NY, but we are having a heat wave today with 35 degree F temps – woohoo! I think it’s an understatement to say that we’re excited for spring around here. What better way to get in the mood than to start seeing spring produce popping up at the supermarket and reading the March issues of magazines filled with spring recipes and new advice for spring cleaning. We’ll be sharing some posts like that with you throughout the month as well!

In the meantime, we can’t forget that March is National Nutrition Month®! This year’s theme is “Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle,” “which encourages everyone to adopt eating and physical activity plans that are focused on consuming fewer calories, making informed food choices and getting daily exercise in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic disease and promote overall health.”

As this is a food and nutrition blog, we focus on the food choices element of a healthy lifestyle, and now is a good time to remind everyone that a healthy eating plan places emphasis on nutrient-rich food:

Take a look through our archives and you will find numerous nutritious and delicious recipes with a variety of these foods. Be sure to check below for this week’s Menu Plan Monday (and previous weeks here), which will also give you an idea of how to bite into healthy meals throughout the week! And don’t forget to look through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic’s handouts and tipsheets (like the one below) for some great information to help you “Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle” all month long!

15 Tips for 2015

Week of March 2, 2015

Monday: Shakshuka with Fennel and Roasted Broccoli

Tuesday: Homemade Chicken Soup

Wednesday: Turkey Burgers with Roasted Asparagus and Sweet Potatoes

Thursday: Off Duty

Friday: Chicken with Rosemary-Roasted Cauliflower with Raisins and Garlicky Green Beans

How are you going to “Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle” this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday

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    1. I forget to make burgers during the winter months too! Easier when it’s hot out and I’m grilling all the time. It’s a nice change of pace from winter soups and stews though!