Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015

Stocking up and cooking some cold weather recipes for a snowy week ahead.

Are you ready for a blizzard?! That’s what everyone around here is talking about.

Yesterday afternoon I stopped at Trader Joe’s to pick up some fresh produce for my childrens’ nursery school class (I’m snack parent this week) and the line of cars to get into the parking lot was around the block, the shelves were almost bare, and people were frantically filling their shopping carts (if they were lucky to get one) with an endless supply of food.

It always amazes me how nervous people get when snow is predicted in the forecast. I just don’t get it. Do they otherwise not have food in their pantry, fridge, and freezer? I know not everyone is a planner like I am – with my weekly menu and shopping list (as I shared in my interview with RobinsBite) – but I just can’t imagine having nothing in my house in case we were stranded due to a storm. I’m curious to hear what you all think of this phenomenon:

Do you run to the store the minute a storm is coming or is your house well-enough stocked to get through a couple of days you may be stuck inside?

Menu Plan Monday Org Junkie

Assuming I can get to the supermarket tomorrow, here’s what we’ll be eating this week.

Week of January 26, 2015

Monday: Mexican Fritta with Mexican Chopped Salad with Lime Cilantro Dressing

Tuesday: Minestrone with Giant White Beans and Winter Squash

Wednesday: Chickpea, Fennel, and Citrus Quinoa (inspired by this recipe from The Kitchn)

Thursday: Off Duty

Friday: Food & Wine’s Miso-Ginger Chicken and Cabbage served over Bulgur with Ginger & Orange

What’s on your menu this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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  1. Haha! Well..I must say that living in Texas those “happenings” are very few to none. But from what I see on the news, I’m always amazed by the frenzy that ensues.. Perhaps they think they’re going to be stranded for weeks? months? I plan on making some chickpea and lentil soup today. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!!

  2. Your menu looks delicious as always! We try to be good about keeping some food storage for whenever we need it. I sleep a little better at night knowing that we have enough food and water to keep us going if we were stuck at home for days. Good luck surviving the blizzard!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I figure it’s a good time to use up my freezer storage of certain packaged foods and meals I’ve previously made. Especially since who knows how much actual cooking I’ll get done with the kids under foot!

    1. Thanks Sonali! The miso-ginger chicken is really delicious and I totally forgot about it – haven’t made it in a long time!