Search Results for "apple"

Menu Plan Monday: Week of November 11, 2013

It’s that time of year again – getting ready for Thanksgiving, which is two weeks from this Thursday! I will once again be hosting, and this year I am hoping to get most everything done ahead of time. My menu is set, and as of this afternoon, I have a freezer full of Thanksgiving dishes ready to be served (once…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of September 30, 2013

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had a beautiful fall weekend here in Westchester, New York. We spent a lot of time outdoors playing on our swingset, walking around our neighborhood, and taking our 21 month-old girls on their first hike! I am so proud of how they did walking up and down rocky terrain for over a mile!! We…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of September 23, 2013

Fall is officially here! That means it’s time to start cooking with my fall favorites: winter squashes (acorn, butternut, spaghetti), brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, hearty greens (Swiss chard, kale), apples and pears! But before we move on, enjoy one last taste of summer: Strawberry Mousse Parfaits. This was my recipe for this month’s No-Cook Desserts Recipe ReDux post – in…

Juicing vs. Smoothies: What’s the Difference?

This post was written by Rosemary Squires Juicing has become quite popular these days and you may be wondering how these sweet and savory juices compare to smoothies. Both drinks can boost your fruit and vegetable intake, which means more vitamins and minerals for you. And if your produce is going bad, juicing and blending what you have on hand…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of September 9, 2013

September is a busy month for most families. It’s back to school time and that means juggling multiple kids’ schedules, balancing work and being home in time for family meals, and finding time for all the fun fall activities like apple picking, harvest festivals, and nature walks to see the changing leaves. Now’s a good time for a reminder about…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day! What have you been up to this weekend? It’s been unseasonably chilly here this weekend, but that didn’t stop us from making our first barbecue of the season. On the menu: Hamburgers, turkey burgers, hot dogs, beef sausages, sweet potato salad, red cabbage slaw, guacamole, tomato jam, arugula strawberry salad, watermelon coolers, fruit salad, and ice pops….

Menu Plan Monday: Week of May 13, 2013

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Kudos and thanks to my husband for making me a delicious Mother’s Day brunch. He loves to cook, but rarely gets to do so these days, so he was excited to get into the kitchen and cook up some yummy breakfast treats including baked bread pudding French toast and a sun-dried tomato asparagus quiche….

Top 5 Healthy Brain Foods

This post was written by Tiana Yom Who thinks about eating a healthy, balanced diet during final exams? The majority of your time is spent studying, which makes unhealthy snacks super enticing. Unfortunately, those snacks tend to be high in fat, salt, and sugar – not necessarily the best fuel to help you ace your exams! And believe it or…

Salad: A Double-Edged Sword

This post was written by Rosemary Squires  When you go out to eat you generally think ordering a salad is a safe choice, right? Well sometimes salad is not the healthiest option on the menu. Lots of calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats may be lurking under those seemingly healthy greens. And if you’re at one of those make-your-own salad bars, there…

Arugula Salad with Cider Honey Vinaigrette {Recipe}

When my husband sees a salad section on a menu he usually dismisses it without even looking and goes on to read the more interesting sounding appetizers and entrees. So when he comes home from work to find that we’re having salad as part of the meal he’s usually not very excited. That’s not to say he doesn’t like salad,…

Our Global Kitchen: Food. Nature. Culture.

This post was written by Tiana Yom “Everything we eat affects – and is affected by- the world around us.  Our food choices affect our health, the environment, and the people who grow, trade, cook, and eat it.” – American Museum of Natural History This past Friday, I was finally able to visit the American Museum of Natural History’s Our…