Menu Plan Monday: Week of May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

What have you been up to this weekend? It’s been unseasonably chilly here this weekend, but that didn’t stop us from making our first barbecue of the season. On the menu: Hamburgers, turkey burgers, hot dogs, beef sausages, sweet potato salad, red cabbage slaw, guacamole, tomato jam, arugula strawberry salad, watermelon coolers, fruit salad, and ice pops. Looking back at this long list I can’t believe how much food we served – it sure was Nutritioulicious and a great way to start the summer season!

Here’s what’s on tap this week.

menu plan monday

Menu Week of May 27, 2013

Monday: Memorial Day BBQ Leftovers

Tuesday: Poached Salmon Salad with Cherries (modified version of this recipe)

Wednesday: Off Duty

Thursday: Asparagus Leek Soup and Ricotta Honey Crostini

Friday: BBQ Chicken Breasts and Grilled Veggies

Saturday: Off Duty

Sunday: Leftovers

What did you eat this Memorial Day?

What’s on your menu this week?

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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