40+ Healthy Memorial Day Recipes to Add to Your Menu

May 20, 2019

A roundup of healthy Memorial Day recipes, including burgers, desserts, drinks, and more, to make your celebrations a hit!

A roundup of healthy Memorial Day recipes, including burgers, desserts, drinks, and more, to make your celebrations a hit! Get the complete list of recipes @jlevinsonrd.

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For a while, I wasn’t sure if the sun was ever going to emerge again. Day after day of rain, wind, and all around gloomy weather left me wondering if summer was actually coming this year. I guess all the wishful thinking and pulling out the summer wardrobe paid off now that the sun (and heat) is suddenly here in full swing!

And it’s just in time for the season’s kickoff, Memorial Day weekend! I absolutely love all of the dishes and foods of the summer season. The abundance of different salads. Fresh from the garden fruits and veggies. All the grilled foods. And of course, ice cream.

Just because it’s a holiday, doesn’t mean that everything you eat has to be unhealthy. I’ve shared a few tips on healthy habits to keep in mind for Memorial Day before, and now it’s time to share some healthy Memorial Day recipes that are equally as delicious as they are good for you!

Burgers & Main Dishes

Chicken Kebabs with Herb Sauce - healthy Memorial Day recipes @jlevinsonrd

Summer Chicken Kebabs with Herb Sauce @ Jessica Levinson

Grilled Pesto Portobello Mushroom Burgers @ Mom’s Kitchen Handbook

3 Ingredient Healthy Hummus Burgers @ Abbey’s Kitchen

Mustard Dill Grilled Chicken @ Salubrious RD

Greek Spiced Turkey Burgers @ Healthy Helper

Easy Black Bean Burger - healthy Memorial Day Recipes

Quick & Easy Bean Burger @ Sinful Nutrition

Balsamic Chicken, Strawberry, and Beet Kabobs @ My Menu Pal

Grilled Fresh Salmon Burgers @Jessica Levinson

Southwest Black Bean Burgers @ Running in a Skirt

Cheddar Chicken Burgers @ Family Food on the Table

Chicken Pesto Kabobs @ Julie Harrington


Hasselback Potatoes - Healthy Memorial Day recipes

Grilled Hasselback Potatoes @ Nutrition to Fit

Red Cabbage, Snap Pea, and Blueberry Salad @Jessica Levinson

Thyme Roasted Sweet Potato Fries @ Desi-licious RD

Grilled Curry Stuffed Avocados @ The Grateful Grazer

Creamy Burrata with Pesto and Tomatoes @ My Cape Cod Kitchen

Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Skewers - healthy Memorial Day recipes @jlevinsonrd

Watermelon, Feta, and Mint Skewers @Jessica Levinson

Vegan Bourbon Baked Beans @ Confessions of a Mother Runner

Easy No-Mayo Coleslaw @ Family Food on the Table

Grilled Cabbage with Asian Lime Dressing @ Tasting Page

Slow Cooker Lentil Baked Beans @ Sinful Nutrition


Simple Pasta Salad with Tomatoes, Basil, and Fresh Ricotta - healthy Memorial Day recipes

Simple Pasta Salad with Tomatoes, Basil, and Fresh Ricotta @ The Spicy RD

Healthy Dill Potato Salad @ Lively Table

Corn and Black Bean Quinoa Salad @ Jessica Levinson

Grilled Watermelon & Avocado Salad @ Abbey’s Kitchen

Grilled Caesar Salad - Healthy Memorial Day Recipes

Grilled Caesar Salad with Creamy Lemon Tahini Dressing @ Julie Harrington

Southwest Three Bean Salad @ Sinful Nutrition

Peach Panzanella Salad with Halloumi and Blueberry Balsamic Dressing @ Jessica Levinson

Veggie Loaded Pasta Salad @ Sara Haas RDN

Grilled Corn and Poblano Salad with Honey Lime Dressing @ Holley Grainger, MS, RD

Strawberry Arugula Salad with Fennel, Toasted Almonds, and Strawberry Champagne Vinaigrette @Jessica Levinson


Mixed Berry Coconut Shortcakes - healthy Memorial Day Recipes

Mixed Berry Coconut Shortcakes with Vanilla Greek Yogurt Cream @ The Foodie Physician

Honey Lime Mango Fruit Salad @ Marisa Moore Nutrition

No-Baked Strawberry Mousse Parfaits @ Jessica Levinson

Strawberry Lemon Curd Trifle @ Create Kids Club

Wild Blueberry Whoopie Pies @ Sinful Nutrition

Vegan Watermelon Cake - healthy Memorial Day recipes

Red, White, and Blue Vegan Watermelon Cake @ Abbey’s Kitchen

Healthy Berry & Yogurt Dessert Pizza @ Jill Conyers

Grilled Stone Fruit with Honey Lemon Yogurt Sauce @ Jessica Levinson

Raspberry Fudge Cake @ Better is the New Perfect

Macerated Strawberry Shortcake @ Sinful Nutrition


Ruby Redbird Summer Shandy - healthy Memorial Day recipes

Ruby Redbird Summer Shandy @ Lively Table

Lavender Honey Lemonade @ Sinful Nutrition

Peach Green Tea @ Nourished Simply

Strawberry Rhubarb Sangria @ Sinful Nutrition

Spicy Strawberry Rhubarb Margaritas - healthy memorial day recipes

Spicy Strawberry Rhubarb Margaritas @Jessica Levinson

 Watermelon Strawberry Pomegranate Margarita @ KISS in the Kitchen

Honey-Sweetened Orange Blossom Lemonade @ Joy Food Sunshine

Watermelon Mojitos @Jessica Levinson

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Healthy Memorial Day Recipes Collage with Text

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend, and thank you to all who have served our country.

What’s your favorite healthy Memorial Day recipe?

Share with me in the comments below.

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  1. These are great! We’re not doing anything special for memorial day but I definitely want to make some of these at home anyway – like the mustard dill chicken or salmon burgers!

  2. what a great round-up! thanks for sharing! I’ve gotta get sticks for skewers now, you’ve got me inspired

  3. This post makes me so excited for the long weekend! Thanks so much for including my avocados!

  4. What a great roundup! This year is the first year I’m not hosting a Memorial Day get together. Woo!

  5. wow where to start?! What a delicious roundup and thanks for including my bourbon baked beans in there

  6. There are so, so many recipes on here that I need to try! *-* I need to have a potluck with friends sometime so we have an excuse to make a bunch of delicious food! 😀

  7. Oh my goodness! These are some yummy looking recipes! Now to decide what I’m making. Thanks for doing all the hard work finding some great recipes for the weekend.

    1. You’re most welcome! I sure hope these ideas come in handy with your guests. Have a great weekend!

    1. You’re most welcome Abbey! I still need to make that watermelon cake – it’s so gorgeous!

  8. Jessica, How did you know I was going through a skewer phase? I laugh because I want all my food on sticks these days — cheese and olives, meat and veggies … and now you are tempting me with watermelon, feta and mint 🙂 Perfect. Thank you for all your inspiring recipes. Have a great holiday!

    1. LOL, food on sticks is delicious and so easy! Those watermelon feta skewers are pretty darn delish. Hope you enjoy some this weekend and have a great holiday as well!

    1. Thanks Deborah! So glad i could include your recipe – it’s nice to have vegetarian options at bbqs! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  9. Everything looks so delicious! We’ve got 3 Memorial Day weekend parties to go to, so I’m excited for all of these yummy ideas, including your Watermelon Mint Feta Kabobs 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing my Simple Pasta Salad recipe!

    1. Thanks EA! Wow, 3 parties in one weekend is a lot! Hope you enjoy and get to try some of these delicious eats! Thanks again for sharing your recipe with me!