Healthy Living

Go Red for Heart Health!

This post was written by Tiana Yom Did you know that heart disease and stroke are America’s No. 1 and No. 4 killers?  In case you weren’t aware, February is American Heart Month. As I’ve mentioned in the past, heart disease is the number one cause of death in Americans and more women die of heart disease than men. The…

All About Probiotics and Kefir Super Bowl Guacamole {Recipe}

This post was written by Tara Milhem Wondering about probiotics? With probiotics all the rage right now, you may be wondering what they are and where you can find them. Probiotics are live bacteria that help protect against disease and digestive issues in the intestines. You may think that bacteria is a bad thing, but there are actually helpful and…

Dietary Fiber: Insoluble and Soluble Fiber

By Tiana Yom Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? We have all heard of fiber-rich foods and high-fiber diets. You may think of dry, tasteless, cardboard-like bran flakes or crackers when you hear the word fiber, but there are a lot of fiberous foods that are full of flavor. What exactly is fiber, and why is it vital…

“Clean Eating for Busy Families” Cookbook {Recipe & Giveaway}

You know I love to cook and as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago when I told you about “America’s Favorite Food,” I still love looking through cookbooks even though there are so many recipe databases online. Thankfully, registered dietitians like myself are writing more cookbooks these days. What I love about this is that it shows just how…

Roasted Spiced Squash Seeds {Recipe}

  When you make butternut squash, what do you do with the stringy seeds on the inside? Please don’t tell me you throw them away! They may look inedible, but these large, flat, elliptical-shaped white seeds are actually full of nutrients. They contain fiber, mono-unsaturated fatty acids (like those found in olive oil), protein, and a handful of minerals. Like…

The Nutritional Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables

This post was written by Tara Milhem Hi readers! After all the hype on green juices and green vegetables, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s so good about them and what they can do for you. The answer is A LOT! Cruciferous vegetables are some of the most functional (and delicious) foods we can include in our diets. The family of…

Fruit & Nut Breakfast Bars

This post was written by Tara Milhem Hi readers! For my first post I want to share some of my favorite on-the-go breakfast options. It’s not so easy to sit down every day and enjoy a balanced breakfast like an egg white omelet with a slice of sprouted bread and a side of fruit. While I encourage everyone to consume…

Tofu Croutons {Recipe}

Disclosure: By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by The Soyfoods Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. Tofu is one of those foods that people tend to be skeptical about. I don’t make tofu that often, but when I do and my husband asks what’s…

Taping The Balancing Act

A little over a month ago, I had a great experience taping a segment covering the truth about sweeteners and healthy diets for the Lifetime TV show, The Balancing Act. I flew down to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Sunday evening and Monday morning I went to The Balancing Act studios where I met with the producer of the show to review…

Tips & Recipes to Help You Stay Cool

Here we go with another day of intense heat here in New York City. Temperatures are supposed to rise to almost 100 degrees today – and with the dry heat and lack of a cool breeze it may feel even hotter. It’s so important to keep yourself well hydrated in this kind of weather. To help you out, here are…

Homemade Croutons & National Herb Week

In the food world, almost every day is a celebration. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day, in October we celebrated Eat Better, Eat Together month, and this week we’re showing some love for herbs as we celebrate National Herb Week. I’ve written about herbs before, and as you may already know, herbs…