
Put Your Best Fork Forward for National Nutrition Month

This National Nutrition Month, put your best fork forward by doing the best YOU can do to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy what you love in life. As you may have heard, March is National Nutrition Month® (NNM), a time to pay special attention to what we eat and our lifestyle habits around food and nutrition. It happens that NNM comes at…

Menu Plan Monday: October 17, 2016

The latest happenings at Small Bites by Jessica, including a recap of the Food and Nutrition Conference (FNCE), plus this week’s Link Love and Menu Plan Monday! Latest Happenings: Happy Menu Plan Monday! Hope you had a great weekend and your week is off to a fantastic start! My weekend was jam-packed and so much fun spent in Boston at…

All About Tomatoes + Caprese Couscous Stuffed Tomatoes

Learn about the varieties, health benefits, & culinary uses of fresh summer tomatoes. Then enjoy delicious & healthy Caprese Couscous Stuffed Tomatoes! Pin the Recipe Summer is the ultimate season for fresh, juicy tomatoes! I personally love summer tomatoes, especially ones that are home grown in my parents’ garden or purchased from the farmers market. Not only are tomatoes delicious…

What’s the Connection Between Nutrition and Yoga?

What’s the connection between nutrition and yoga? Find out in Kara Lydon’s new e-book Nourish Your Namaste! This post contains affiliate links. See below for full disclosure. I didn’t get into yoga until I was pregnant with my twin girls, but ever since it has been my main form of activity (until I recently took up running and zumba). I’m not…

5 Ways to Teach Nutrition to Kids

Teach your kids about nutrition with 5 easy tips that can help nourish their growing bodies and minds.  I’m excited to share today’s post with you all! It’s a guest post from my colleague and friend Melissa Halas-Liang, MA, RDN, CDE, who is founder of the popular family and children’s nutrition site,, and creative mind behind the Super Crew kids….

Menu Plan Monday: Week of June 30, 2014

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Summer is definitely here in our house: we’ve been grilling and enjoying lots of seasonal fruit and veggies. I can’t believe the end of this week is already July 4th! The summer always goes by so fast! If you have plans to grill this holiday weekend, check out some of my Nutritioulicious summer recipes and…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of June 23, 2014

Apologies for my absence – it’s been a while since I posted my Menu Plan Monday. The last couple of weeks of May were hectic and then I was in Spain for a week, but now I’m back in the swing of things and ready to get cooking again. This week we’ll be having some of our family favorites (fish…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of May 12, 2014

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all who celebrated yesterday! We were very lucky to have a beautiful day to celebrate, which meant a lot of time outside and dining al fresco: brunch on our patio and a BBQ with extended family!! Other than some crankiness from my little girls, it was a great day and I am very lucky and…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 21, 2014

Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed Easter and Passover if you celebrated. We’re down to one day of Passover in our house – can’t believe it’s almost over and I have so many Passover-friendly recipes I have yet to make! Oh well. There’s always next year. Here’s what we’re eating this week: Week of April 21, 2014 Monday: Leftover…

Go meatless on Monday!

This post was written by Rosemary Squires Have you heard of Meatless Monday? Meatless Monday is a global public health awareness campaign that addresses the prevalence of preventable illnesses associated with excessive meat consumption. There are numerous health and environmental benefits for going meatless on Monday. Diets higher in fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patty’s Day and a very special happy birthday shout-out to my sister-in-law Caren who is an avid Nutritioulicious follower and supporter! Here’s what’s on tap in the Small Bites kitchen this week. One meal rolled over from last week that I never got to make and another recipe I’m making again in an effort to perfect it to share…