
The Benefits of Breakfast

Breakfast is an important start to the day. Find out the benefits of breakfast and learn how to make the right breakfast choices! It’s long been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and despite some recent research that makes a case for skipping breakfast, I still advocate for breakfast on a daily basis. The greater…

Mixed Berry Yogurt Smoothie

Packed with nutrition and flavor, this creamy mixed berry yogurt smoothie is perfect for the morning or a refreshing afternoon snack. Pin the Recipe   I am a paid consultant with Meta and was compensated for this post. Opinions are my own. Smoothies have been a hit across social media platforms for quite a while now, but so far I…

Mushroom Onion Quiche

As I mentioned yesterday, Sunday brunch is one of my favorite meals. It’s not so much about what’s served (although who doesn’t like traditional brunch foods?!) as it is about the calm and relaxation of a Sunday morning spent with friends and family without the rush of a weekday meal. Now that we have kids, Sunday brunch isn’t the same…

Greek Frittata {Recipe}

For someone who wasn’t the biggest egg lover, I’ve certainly been making a lot of egg recipes lately. For some reason, since the birth or my girls 16 months ago, I have a newfound liking of eggs – but only in certain forms. One of said forms is the frittata. I have been experimenting with various types of frittatas, including…

Wheaties For Men

Coming soon to a cereal aisle near you….Wheaties Fuel.  And it’s just for men.  According to the NY Times, it turns out that the original Wheaties cereal isn’t doing so well, so they need to do something to beef up the sales.  According to the Times, men already account for 60 percent of the people who eat Wheaties, so what…