
Top 3 Recipes for a Healthy 2014

I recently found out about this link, 30 Great Recipes for a Healthy 2014, which included recipes from some of my fellow food bloggers like Gina @SkinnyTaste and Erin @NaturallyElla. It got me thinking: What are my top recipes for a healthy year ahead?  So, in no particular order, here are 3 of my favorite Nutritioulicious recipes that are easy…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 27, 2014

Super Bowl week is here! Coming up on Nutritioulicious this week, we’ll help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions with our Super Bowl Party Playbook. In the meantime, here’s what I’m cooking this week! Week of January 27, 2014 Monday: Roasted Salmon with Orange-Lentil Salad Tuesday: Panko-Crusted Chicken with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Sweetpotatoes Wednesday: Pasta with Roasted Tomatoes, Olives, Ricotta, and…

Welcome Nutritioulicious Contributor Ann Lokuta

Today I am welcoming nutrition and dietetics student Ann Lokuta to the Nutritioulicious family. I had the pleasure of meeting Ann at a recent event in Manhattan and am excited to have her share some of what she has learned about nutrition, diet, and overall health. Read on for an introduction from Ann and stay tuned for her future posts!…

Nutritioulicious Babies

Hi Nutritioulicious readers! I know it’s been a while since I have posted, but things have been a little crazy around here. Three and a half weeks ago I delivered my two beautiful baby girls! It’s been a crazy few weeks but I finally had a few moments to let you all know about their arrival and show you a…

Nutritioulicious News!

If you didn’t already notice, some big changes have occurred here at Nutritioulicious! Last week the brand new Nutritioulicious website was launched, with an updated logo, color palette, design, and features. Now you can find all the Nutritioulicious information in one place – the services I offer, my latest media appearances, Nutritioulicious client testimonials, and more! Take a look around…

Pad Thai Experiment

The other day I decided I was going to make peanut noodles with tofu for dinner, but my husband asked if we could have Pad Thai instead. We generally order in Pad Thai, so I was a little skeptical about how I was going to match the flavors of the traditional dish, but decided I would give it a try…

The Joys of Tempeh

By Megan Kian A few months ago I decided to become a vegetarian. My recent reading of Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, which offered both moral and environmental reasons to go veg, inspired my foray into a meat-free diet. Since becoming a vegetarian I’ve discovered a whole new world of food! There are so many meat substitutes (and so…

Ladies, Enough “Fat Talk”

Yesterday Jennifer Huget wrote an article “Enough with the ‘fat talk’” in her health column of The Washington Post (Time Magazine also spoke up on the subject). What prompted the article was a new study from the journal Psychology of Women Quarterly, “If You’re Fat, Then I’m Humongous! Frequency, Content, and Impact of Fat Talk Among College Women.” In the study, 93%…

Frozen Pomegranate Seeds

Today’s post is a link to a guest post I wrote for the fabulous dietitian Robyn Webb. She was recently visiting New Zealand and Australia (so jealous!) and asked many of her fellow dietitians to guest post on her Fabulous Food Finds blog. I was thrilled and honored when she added me to the list! And just in time for…

Is MSG Safe?

The short answer is yes — MSG is included in the FDA’s Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list, and research in Europe, the US, and Asia shows that MSG used in prepared foods or as a condiment is safe for people of all ages. A few weeks ago I went to a luncheon about umami — the fifth taste. If…

Homemade Quesadillas

Last week in the NY Times Recipes for Health column Martha Rose Shulman shared recipes for quesadillas, which she also referred to as “healthy fast food.” It happened that I was in the midst of coming up with my shopping list for my weekly dinner groceries when I read the article and saw all the quesadilla recipes. It was the…