Nutritioulicious News!

October 10, 2011

Nutritioulicious website relaunchIf you didn’t already notice, some big changes have occurred here at Nutritioulicious! Last week the brand new Nutritioulicious website was launched, with an updated logo, color palette, design, and features. Now you can find all the Nutritioulicious information in one place – the services I offer, my latest media appearances, Nutritioulicious client testimonials, and more! Take a look around – I am sure you will enjoy the new site!

In other big news, I wanted to let you all know that my husband and I are expecting twin girls at the beginning of the new year! (Now you may understand why there haven’t been as many blog posts lately.) I hope to continue to blog as often as possible in the next couple of months and after the babies are born, so stay tuned!

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  1. Congrats — from one twin mom to another! You will have a never ending source of blog material as you introduce foods, family meals and other traditions and all the flavors and foods that you love!

    1. Thank you so much LeAnne! How old are your twins? I am sure I will have a wealth of information (and fun pictures) to share. Hopefully I’ll have the time to share it all too!

  2. Mazel tov on the new website. It looks great.
    and of course the announcement on the twins.

    Don’t lose that glow

    Uncle Ed and the crew

  3. Congratulations, Jessica! I’m a twin myself, so I have to say twins are fun (I have a brother, though – we don’t look anything alike). BTW, saw your questions on the listserves about maternity leave. I don’t have advice on client counseling, but I do have some advice regarding when to get back into it. Email me offline if you want to chat.

    1. Hi Elana, Thanks so much! I didn’t know you were a twin – so much fun! My girls are fraternal, so it will be interesting to see if they look alike or just like siblings!