heart health month

8 Heart-Healthy Tips (That Aren’t Diet or Exercise Related)

These 8 heart-healthy tips that aren’t diet or exercise related are just as important as any workout or healthy recipe when it comes to taking care of your heart. Pin the Tips As you may know, February is not only the season of love, it’s also National Heart Health month. What better time to spread love to the health of…

Celebrating Heart Health at the 2017 Woman’s Day Red Dress Awards

A recap of the 2017 Woman’s Day Red Dress Awards celebrating heart health and women! I’m a sponsored CocoaVia® brand influencer, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure. As you may know, February is American Heart Month. In honor of this special month I was so excited to be invited and to attend the 2017…

Heart Health and Hearty Beef & Vegetable Stew

Celebrate Heart Health Month and do your heart and taste buds a favor by savoring this hearty beef and vegetable stew!  Pin the Recipe Beef gets an underserved bad rap when it comes to health, especially heart health. However, research shows that a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle that includes lean beef (like in this hearty beef and vegetable stew!) can…

Menu Plan Monday (February 4-February 10)

Did you enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday? Would love to know what everyone ate at their Super Bowl party! If you enjoyed a little too much, don’t despair. It’s a new day, so get back on track with whatever your goals are and start the week fresh. Recap of last week: The week started off great with a delicious frittata…

Go Red for Heart Health!

This post was written by Tiana Yom Did you know that heart disease and stroke are America’s No. 1 and No. 4 killers?  In case you weren’t aware, February is American Heart Month. As I’ve mentioned in the past, heart disease is the number one cause of death in Americans and more women die of heart disease than men. The…

The Heart Truth

As you may already know (especially if you read this post last year), February is American Heart Month. For the past ten years, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has sponsored The Heart Truth campaign to spread awareness and educate women about heart disease – the number one killer of women. The Heart Truth campaign warns women about…