Kids & Family

Get in the Game with School Lunch

Teach kids the importance of balancing what they eat with physical activity by celebrating this year’s National School Lunch Week theme “Get in the Game.”  Post was written by Tiana Yom, MPH, CHES Schools have been back in session for a couple of months now and everyone knows how important it is for kids to be properly fueled to make it…

The Secret to Increasing Children’s Consumption of Fruits & Vegetables {Guest Post}

This post was written by sociologist Dina Rose, PhD, author of It’s Not About the Broccoli: Three Habits to Teach Your Kids for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating (Perigee). Want to teach your kids good eating habits? Here’s my suggestion: Don’t obsess about getting more fruits and vegetables into them. My advice might sound unconventional, but I’m not crazy. Here’s why:…

Family Food Experts’ Nutrition Tips for Families

Thanks to Ellen Briggs, founder of The Family Food Experts, for the following post! Research shows that having a healthy, balanced diet improves brain capacity, maximizes cognitive capabilities, and improves academic performance in school-age children. Alternatively, the research also shows that having too much junk food and an unhealthy diet decreases academic performance by limiting the amount of information to…

Making Sunday Brunch with the Kids

Ahh, Sunday brunch. Who doesn’t like the thought of a lazy Sunday morning spent in bed followed by mimosas, French toast, and eggs benedict? BK (aka Before Kids), Sunday brunch was a favorite pastime of mine. These days my Sundays are a bit different. We wake up early and get ready for a busy day, often filled with birthday parties…

Share What’s Good: Cooking With My Girls

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Welch’s, in participation with their #sharewhatsgood campaign. I was not compensated for this post, but did receive gift cards for my participation. Find out more at Share What’s Good. As a registered dietitian and mother, one of my passions is cooking with kids. Even before I had my own children, I often spoke to parents, teachers,…

5 Nutrition Tips for Back to School

I’m a nutrition consultant for various food and beverage companies, but my opinions are my own. Believe it or not, it’s almost time for kids to head back to school, and that means families need to start thinking about what they’re going to feed their children to best fuel their bodies and brains throughout the school day. In an effort to simplify…

Fruity Greek Yogurt Popsicles {Recipe ReDux}

By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by National Honey Board and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I received a gift card to offset the expense of my ingredients. I love sweets. There, I said it. I know what you’re thinking – “you’re a dietitian, you can’t possibly eat and enjoy dessert,”…

Fearless Feeding: The Definitive Guide to Feeding Children

When people find out that I’m a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and the mother of twins, they automatically assume that I know exactly what and how to feed my children. While it’s true that I have strong opinions on what to feed them, pediatric nutrition was never my area of specialty. So when my girls started eating solid foods at…

Family Meals Matter

I’ve always been an advocate of families eating meals together. Over the years I have written and been interviewed about the importance of family meals and tips for how families can eat together. Today I have two pieces of exciting news on this topic: Firstly, I am proud to announce that I am a winner of the Welch’s Reward RD contest!…

“Clean Eating for Busy Families” Cookbook {Recipe & Giveaway}

You know I love to cook and as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago when I told you about “America’s Favorite Food,” I still love looking through cookbooks even though there are so many recipe databases online. Thankfully, registered dietitians like myself are writing more cookbooks these days. What I love about this is that it shows just how…

Eat Better, Eat Together

I wrote this post as a participant in the Eat Better, Eat Together Balancing Act blog carnival hosted by the Dairy Council of California to share ways families everywhere can make time for family meals that include foods from all the food groups. A list of other registered dietitians and moms who are participating in the Balancing Act blog carnival will…