Healthy Living

Are carbs and sugars bad news for the American diet?

I’m a nutrition consultant for various food and beverage companies, but my opinions are my own. I have contested the view that “sugar is toxic” on more than one occasion. So of course I was interested to hear what two qualified professors of nutritional research, Joanne Slavin, PhD, RD and Mark Kern, PhD, RD, CSSD, had to say about carbohydrates and sugar at…

Kale & Sweetpotato Lentil Salad {Recipe ReDux}

This Kale & Sweetpotato Lentil Salad is a hearty vegetarian entree or a delicious side dish to accompany chicken or fish. Disclaimer: I received free samples of California sweetpotatoes mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by the California Sweetpotato Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was…

Juicing vs. Smoothies: What’s the Difference?

This post was written by Rosemary Squires Juicing has become quite popular these days and you may be wondering how these sweet and savory juices compare to smoothies. Both drinks can boost your fruit and vegetable intake, which means more vitamins and minerals for you. And if your produce is going bad, juicing and blending what you have on hand…

Staying Healthy at College: How to Beat the Freshman 15

This post was written by Rosemary Squires Most colleges are already back in session and that means study groups, football games, and parties are just around the corner. While older college students have had a couple of years experience learning how to navigate the all-you-can-eat dining hall, late night pizza runs, and tailgating parties, incoming freshman might be more focused…

5 Nutrition Tips for Back to School

I’m a nutrition consultant for various food and beverage companies, but my opinions are my own. Believe it or not, it’s almost time for kids to head back to school, and that means families need to start thinking about what they’re going to feed their children to best fuel their bodies and brains throughout the school day. In an effort to simplify…

Chia Seeds: More Than Just a Chia Pet!

A few weeks ago, Nutritioulicious contributor Rosemary Squires told you all about the health benefits of flaxseeds – plus she shared a delicious recipe for a strawberry banana flax smoothie! Today she’s filling you in on those little chia seeds you may have seen popping up everywhere! “Ch-ch-ch-chia!” Anybody remember this catchphrase? Remember planting seeds in a chia pet and…

Cranberry-Chocolate Peanut Butter Trail Mix

This Cranberry-Chocolate Peanut Butter Trail Mix Recipe is the perfect healthy travel snack or treat for all ages! Pin The Recipe   It’s prime time for summer vacations, and no matter which mode of transportation you are taking to get wherever you’re going, you’re likely going to need a snack or two along the way. This month’s Recipe ReDux theme…

Health Benefits of Flaxseed and Strawberry Banana Flax Smoothie Recipe

Flaxseeds and chia seeds are all the rage these days. You’ve probably read multiple articles about them and seen them on the ingredient lists of new products on supermarket shelves, but do you know what they actually are and what benefit they provide you? Here, Nutritioulicious contributor Rosemary Squires tells you all about flaxseeds. And stay tuned for a post…

Stay Hydrated and Menu Plan Monday

This week is going to be Hot, Hot, Hot! The temps this week are going to be over 90 degrees, which means it’s more important than usual to stay hydrated. Your best bet is plain, old water – it’s calorie-free and cheap. But if you want some flavor, add lemon, cucumber, or orange slices or even some blueberries and strawberries. Added…

Summer Picnic Food Safety Tips

This post was written by Tiana Yom Summer is here and that means it is time for eating outdoors – picnics, pool-side dining, and eating at the beach are all fun this time of year! In fact, a couple of weeks ago people everywhere celebrated International Picnic Day! It’s so enjoyable to lay out a blanket and sit on the…

Fusilli with Fava Beans, Roasted Asparagus, Ricotta, & Mint {Recipe}

Asparagus, fava beans, and mint are tossed together in a light, lemony ricotta sauce for a spring pasta dish that’s worth working for! Fava beans are a great spring vegetable that you’ll see on restaurant menus this time of year, but many people don’t even consider making them at home and until now I was one of them. But then I…