
Miso-Ginger Chicken and Cabbage

Last weekend I made this Miso-Ginger Chicken and Cabbage recipe that I found in my Food & Wine Annual Cookbook 2010 (this cookbook has some amazing recipes!). It took a little longer than I expected to prep everything, but the cooking time was fast. I served it alongside the Bulgur with Ginger & Orange, which made for a great meal,…

All About Bulgur

I guess you could say I’ve been on a grain kick lately, especially the ancient grains. First I told you about barley, next about einkorn, and now bulgur. You may have never heard of bulgur, but if you’ve ever had tabbouleh salad you’ve likely eaten it. Bulgur is an ancient grain that is very commonly used in Turkey and other…

Make Your Heart Your Valentine

Until last week, I never really thought about the fact that Valentine’s Day — a day symbolized by the color red, hearts, and chocolate — falls in the middle of American Heart Month — a time also recognized by red and hearts (and you can throw some chocolate in there too, as long as you keep it to dark chocolate!)….

The Heart Truth

As you may already know (especially if you read this post last year), February is American Heart Month. For the past ten years, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has sponsored The Heart Truth campaign to spread awareness and educate women about heart disease – the number one killer of women. The Heart Truth campaign warns women about…

Real Mexican Dining

Last week I was on vacation in Mexico. It was great being away from the snow for a week, relaxing on the beach, and enjoying delicious Mexican cuisine. Many typical Mexican dishes in the States aren’t so good for your waistline — fried tacos, enchiladas, overstuffed burritos, sodium and fat laden refried beans, sour cream on the side of almost…

The Benefits of Barley

Surely you’ve heard the recommendations to eat more fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. But many people tell me that besides brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, and oats, they don’t know what other whole grains they can eat. And even if they’ve seen the abundance of whole grain options available, they’re afraid to try them because they’ve never…

Wednesday Wonders: Using and Storing Fresh Ginger

Wednesday Wonders are back! Your burning nutrition, food, and cooking questions are answered here every Wednesday. Ask your questions in the comments section of any blog post, post your question on the Nutritioulicious facebook page, tweet it to me, or email me directly! Q: Hi Nutritioulicious! I’m trying a new recipe tonight for a lower-fat sweet & sour stirfry chicken….

Beef & Vegetable Stew

Lately it seems like I’ve been on a beef kick – with beef in the news and our post about the different cuts of beef, I decided to cook up some beef myself. What could be better on these cold winter nights than a warm, hearty, and filling stew?! Here’s my beef stew that has lots of vegetables and beans…

Got Milk? Pour One More

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of attending an event where the new face of the Got Milk? campaign was revealed — Susan Sarandon is now the proud owner of a milk mustache. As part of the National Milk Mustache campaign, a new initiative was announced on Tuesday — “Pour One More.” How appropriate that this campaign was announced…

Blanching Brightens Up Veggies

One of my favorite cooking techniques is blanching. I’ve mentioned blanching before, but I’ve never fully explained what it is and why I love it so much. Picture this: You go to a cocktail party and set before you is a vegetable display with dips. There are bright orange carrots, crimson red tomatoes, lemon-yellow peppers, and dull green broccoli. Which…

Snow Day Workouts

It’s a snow day in New York City! (For many of us at least.) Take advantage of the day off and the snow to burn some calories without going to the gym. Here are some snow-related activities and the calories per hour you’ll burn doing them*: … read more »