
How to Encourage Healthy Eating In Kids

Feeding kids is tough work, but these ten tips to encourage healthy eating in kids can make it easier and maybe even a little fun! Pin this Post This page contains affiliate links. See below for full disclosure statement. Feeding kids healthy and well-balanced meals is hard work – it takes time, effort, resources, and a lot of love. There may…

10 Tips to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

Tired of mealtime battles about veggie intake? Learn how to get kids to eat vegetables and spend more time enjoying family meals! This page contains affiliate links. See below for full disclosure statement. How many times a day do you find yourself telling your kids to eat their veggies? For most parents I know it’s more often than they’d like!…

How to Make Family Meals Happen

Pin the Guide to Make Family Meals Happen! Make family meals happen more often in your home with these tips! When I was growing up, I remember most weeknights sitting at the dinner table eating with my mom and brother with another setting placed at my father’s seat, ready for him to come home from work. (At this point my…

5 Ways to Teach Nutrition to Kids

Teach your kids about nutrition with 5 easy tips that can help nourish their growing bodies and minds.  I’m excited to share today’s post with you all! It’s a guest post from my colleague and friend Melissa Halas-Liang, MA, RDN, CDE, who is founder of the popular family and children’s nutrition site,, and creative mind behind the Super Crew kids….

8 Reasons to Love Yogurt – My Interview at Yogurt In Nutrition

Versatile and nutrient-rich yogurt is easy to love. Find out my eight reasons to love yogurt and why I recommend it to kids and adults alike! Dairy is a hot topic these days and I for one am a proponent of this food group. I’ve heard people say it’s bad for their skin, it’s inflammatory, it gives them gas, and…

Family Food Experts’ Nutrition Tips for Families

Thanks to Ellen Briggs, founder of The Family Food Experts, for the following post! Research shows that having a healthy, balanced diet improves brain capacity, maximizes cognitive capabilities, and improves academic performance in school-age children. Alternatively, the research also shows that having too much junk food and an unhealthy diet decreases academic performance by limiting the amount of information to…