Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday (December 17-23)

Chanukah is over, but the holiday season is still in full swing as we start the last two weeks of December. Holiday parties and events continue, which means more nights out and fewer at home cooking nutritious and delicious meals. As you start your week, you may have the best intentions to eat well balanced meals and stay active, but…

Menu Plan Monday (December 10-16)

Friday afternoon as I sat down to plan my menu for this coming week, my husband started to laugh. He couldn’t believe I was already putting together a menu for the week to come when I hadn’t even finished cooking for that night’s dinner. It does seem like I’m always planning the next meal, but to make sure we eat…

Menu Plan Monday (December 3-9)

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week’s menu went pretty much as planned. Lots of Thanksgiving leftovers and a couple of new recipes that came out great. I had to make a couple of tweaks to the menu based on what was available at the supermarket, and there weren’t really enough leftovers for Sunday dinner, so we had pizza…

Menu Plan Monday (November 26-December 2)

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend! My Turkey Day meal went great  – a couple of minor glitches, but that’s par for the course for my first time cooking a big holiday meal. I can’t believe it’s over and the holiday season is here. Soon my twin girls will be a year old – now I need to start…

Menu Plan Monday – Thanksgiving Week

The big day is almost here. You know what I’m talking about – T-Day, Turkey Day, Thanksgiving! This is by far my favorite holiday and this year I’m hosting it. I must say, I’m a little overwhelmed at this prospect since the past few months have been the craziest I can remember – what with 10 1/2 month old twins…

Menu Plan Monday (November 12-18)

Hope you had a great weekend! Ours was fun with some visits from friends and family, bagel and lox brunch on Saturday, and a birthday celebration for my brother and sister-in-law Sunday night. Getting ready to head out to Fairway for my weekly grocery shop. Hopefully I won’t be in the supermarket every day like I was last week after…

Recap of Hurricane Sandy & Menu Plan Monday (November 5-11)

Hurricane Sandy really got in the way of last week’s MPM. Monday night as I was heating up the oven to make roasted broccoli, our power went off. I guess I should have started cooking earlier. Luckily we have gas burners, so I was able to light the stove and sauté the broccoli, and with the residual heat from the…

Menu Plan Monday – October 29

Happy Monday! I was all set with my menu for the week until Hurricane Sandy became a serious threat. I’m sitting at home right now waiting for the storm to hit and wondering what we’ll do if we lose power. I wasn’t nervous about this storm until everyone else around me seemed to be panicking. I think it’s contagious! I…

Menu Plan Monday – October 22

Last week’s menu was a success! Planning what we would eat  and buying the groceries for the week led me to be able to carry out the plan with few disruptions. Let’s see if this week goes as well! I won’t be doing as much cooking since it’s a bit of a busy week, but here’s what we’ll be having:…

Menu Plan Monday – October 15

When clients ask me how they can eat healthier, one of the first tips I give them is to plan ahead. The biggest challenges to heathy eating tend to come when we’re busy and don’t have time to cook or we just grab whatever is most convenient, which isn’t always the best option for our health and waistline. Over the…