Gluten Free Recipes

Kale & Sweetpotato Lentil Salad {Recipe ReDux}

This Kale & Sweetpotato Lentil Salad is a hearty vegetarian entree or a delicious side dish to accompany chicken or fish. Disclaimer: I received free samples of California sweetpotatoes mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by the California Sweetpotato Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was…

Juicing vs. Smoothies: What’s the Difference?

This post was written by Rosemary Squires Juicing has become quite popular these days and you may be wondering how these sweet and savory juices compare to smoothies. Both drinks can boost your fruit and vegetable intake, which means more vitamins and minerals for you. And if your produce is going bad, juicing and blending what you have on hand…

Health Benefits of Flaxseed and Strawberry Banana Flax Smoothie Recipe

Flaxseeds and chia seeds are all the rage these days. You’ve probably read multiple articles about them and seen them on the ingredient lists of new products on supermarket shelves, but do you know what they actually are and what benefit they provide you? Here, Nutritioulicious contributor Rosemary Squires tells you all about flaxseeds. And stay tuned for a post…

Fruity Greek Yogurt Popsicles {Recipe ReDux}

By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by National Honey Board and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I received a gift card to offset the expense of my ingredients. I love sweets. There, I said it. I know what you’re thinking – “you’re a dietitian, you can’t possibly eat and enjoy dessert,”…

Shakshuka for Dinner

Eggs are poached in a spice-infused tomato sauce for a filling and easy weeknight dinner that’s commonly served for breakfast in Israel. Shakshuka! Isn’t that such a fun word to say?! If you’re not sure, here’s how it’s pronounced: shahk-SHOO-kah. You’re probably wondering what in the world this word is and what does it mean. Shakshuka is a very popular…

Greek Frittata {Recipe}

For someone who wasn’t the biggest egg lover, I’ve certainly been making a lot of egg recipes lately. For some reason, since the birth or my girls 16 months ago, I have a newfound liking of eggs – but only in certain forms. One of said forms is the frittata. I have been experimenting with various types of frittatas, including…

Recipe ReDux: Mexican Frittata

March (usually) means all things green: sprouts of green popping up from the ground, window boxes of beautiful and fragrant herbs, and the beginnings of fresh green grass filling lawns. Unfortunately, it’s still quite cold in New York – snow is even in the forecast for this weekend – so we haven’t seen the signs of spring just yet. But…

Roasted Red Bell Peppers and Artichoke “Tapenade” {Recipe}

This post was written by Tiana Yom In addition to it being American Heart month, this Sunday is the Super Bowl. If you’re like most people, Super Bowl Sunday isn’t the most balanced day of eating, nor is it very heart-healthy. But this year you can make it different by cooking up some heart-healthy recipes that are as delicious as…

All About Probiotics and Kefir Super Bowl Guacamole {Recipe}

This post was written by Tara Milhem Wondering about probiotics? With probiotics all the rage right now, you may be wondering what they are and where you can find them. Probiotics are live bacteria that help protect against disease and digestive issues in the intestines. You may think that bacteria is a bad thing, but there are actually helpful and…

Hearty & Healthy 30-Minute Dinner: Buffalo Chicken Chili {Guest Post Recipe}

The following guest post was written by Meredith Kimelblatt.  When it’s cold outside, there’s absolutely nothing better than coming inside to a hot, comforting meal.  Hearty soups and casseroles seem to fit in perfectly with all the cozy parts of wintertime, like warm blankets, hot cocoa and soft sweaters. Comfort foods are one of the best parts of winter, except…

Coconut-Curry Beef with Bok Choy and Farro {Recipe ReDux}

In honor of the new year, this month’s Recipe ReDux theme is based on food trends for 2013 – “A Trend in Every Pot.” Recipe ReDuxers across the globe were given the following challenge: Pick your favorite ‘new’ food trend and add it to a pot. Take a trend and use it in a soup, stew, one-pot meal or Crock…