travel snacks

Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 27, 2015

Link love and this week’s Menu Plan Monday including baked falafel, rosemary-roasted cauliflower, chicken burgers, and salmon sticks! Happy Monday everyone! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! We spent ours visiting friends in Baltimore, which was tons of fun for the kids. We visited the national aquarium, saw a wedding in the inner harbor, and the girls had their first…

Menu Plan Monday: Week of July 22, 2013

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was jam-packed with fun-filled activities – swimming, play dates, birthday parties, barbecues, and more. In case you missed it, yesterday was the reveal day for July’s Recipe ReDux posting. This month’s theme: Have Snacks. Will Travel. Check out my recipe for Cranberry-Chocolate Peanut Butter Trail Mix and the other ReDuxer’s great recipes. What’s…