
Menu Plan Monday: February 22, 2016

Catch up on food and nutrition news and get inspired to get cooking with this week’s Menu Plan Monday. Welcome back to Menu Plan Monday! If you were looking for a new menu last week, my apologies for not posting one, but I was away in sunny California for the week and tried my best to unplug a bit from the…

Is One Ingredient to Blame?

I’m a nutrition consultant for various food and beverage companies, but my opinions are my own. “Sugar is Toxic.” “The Case Against Sugar.” “How to Ditch the Sugar Habit.” “Is Sugar Destroying the World?” Perhaps you have seen some of these headlines over the past couple of years. As researchers in the medical field continue to search for the cause of…

Are Sugars Toxic?

This past September the annual American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) took place in San Diego. While I wasn’t able to attend in person, thanks to social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, I was able to keep up with what fellow RDs were learning in the sessions and what products they were tasting at…

Flavored Milk Debate

Should chocolate milk be banned from schools? That’s the topic of a heated debate going on in the school system these days. Until now I haven’t opined on this subject, but recently I received some new information based on scientific studies that has made me decide it’s time to share some facts and my opinion. Schools that have banned or…

Oh Honey!

During the Jewish New Year in September, honey is used in cooking, added to the traditional challah bread, and spread on the new fruit we eat, all to symbolize a sweet new year. But is honey better for you than plain ole sugar? The short answer is no — honey is not nutritionally better for you than sugar. In fact,…