Salt Tree

June 22, 2010

Hello readers! I hope your summer is going well so far. I just returned from a fabulous trip to Israel and have many great things to share. While I was away I ate great food, including many fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables. I also saw some unique plants, including this salt tree:

Salt Tree in Israel

The first place I saw the salt tree was in Tel Aviv, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The salty water of the sea is the source of the tree’s life, but, like people, the tree doesn’t need that much salt to live, so it takes in the water and excretes the salt. The salt goes to the outside of the leaves, making them taste salty and also providing them with a silver color and soft feel. Our guide told us that people actually cook with the leaves of the salt tree and add them to smoothies!

What are some unique plants you’ve found during your travels?

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