Nutritioulicious Babies

January 30, 2012

Hi Nutritioulicious readers! I know it’s been a while since I have posted, but things have been a little crazy around here. Three and a half weeks ago I delivered my two beautiful baby girls! It’s been a crazy few weeks but I finally had a few moments to let you all know about their arrival and show you a couple of pictures.

Charlotte Edie was born January 5th at 12:17 pm and Sabrina Lily was born at 12:26 pm. They were both 5 pounds 6 ounces, 18 1/2 inches long, and they are currently just above the 6 pound mark. Here is a picture of them from the day we came home from the hospital.

Sabrina on the left, Charlotte on the right

They are getting bigger every day – it’s really amazing to see them grow! And boy do they have an appetite, just like their parents! They are definitely a pair of Nutritioulicious babies!!

I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for blogging over the next couple of weeks, but I’ll be sure to post when I can. In the meantime, stay tuned for updates on the babies and nutrition and food news!

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    1. Thanks Lauren! I can’t believe your girls are almost 4 – what a cute age! I can’t wait to see how my girls grow and play together. Right now they are completely unaware of each other!! And you’ll have to give me tips on how to get through it all – it’s HARD right now!!!

  1. That picture is so precious! I hope you’re doing well and adjusting despite having your hands very full 🙂 If you need anything, even someone to reach out to fo, just holler.

  2. Jessica,

    Charlotte and Sabrina are beautiful.
    They look much older than one day.
    Enjoy every minute.


  3. They are beautiful! Hang in there! The first month is the hardest. But then again, I only have one baby! And she is just a few ounces bigger than your girls. Nothing can quite prepare you for being a mommy but there is nothing like it! 🙂