Menu Plan Monday: Week of September 7, 2015

September 8, 2015

Labor Day has past and now it’s back to reality with this week’s Menu Plan Monday and Link Love!

menu plan monday and link love at nutritioulicious

Happy September everyone! I know I’m a few days late, but now that Labor Day is over, I’ve returned from Italy, and my kids start school this week, it’s officially the end of summer. When I got off the plane in NY on Sunday evening, the first thing that popped into my head was that song “Back to life, back to reality…” – you know the song I’m humming, right?!

Anyway, back to reality it is and as I am working hard to catch up on emails and all the interesting articles and delicious recipes I missed last week, I’m back with this week’s Menu Plan Monday (even though it’s Tuesday) and some links I managed to catch while I was away. Stay tuned later this week for an awesome back-to-school roundup filled with articles, recipes, and more that I have pulled together from all around the web. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a picture of our view from our hotel room in Rapallo, Italy along the Italian Riviera. It was definitely a sight to be seen!

Rapallo, Italy

Link Love:

Simple Ways to Cook Healthy Food – Even When You Have No Time @ Erin Palinski-Wade, RD

15 Food-Free Ideas For Classroom Rewards @ Real Mom Nutrition

Quick Meal Ideas for Busy Families @ Nourished Simply

How to Conquer Unhealthy Eating Habits @ Be Truly Nourished

Life Is Why Family Health Challenge @ American Heart Association

What to Eat in September @ My Bottomless Boyfriend

Best Blends – Easy Grab and Go Wild Blueberry Breakfast Smoothies @ Wild Blueberries (the smoothies the RDs and I made on our sponsored Wild Blueberry barrens trip in August)

Menu plan monday
Week of September 7, 2015

Monday: Labor Day

Tuesday:  Thai Peanut Chicken Satay with Thai Citrus Salad and Garlicky Green Beans

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Pizza Night! Homemade pizzas made on whole grain flatbreads

Friday: Grilled steak with spicy balsamic glaze, Sweet Potato Salad, Grilled peach and spinach salad

Sunday – Rosh Hashana Dinner:  Chicken soup, BBQ Brisket, Grilled Beefsteak Tomato Skewers, Cinnamon Apple Noodle Kugel, Mushroom Onion Barley, and honey cake

How’s your first week back to reality?

Anything amazing I missed while I was away?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday

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  1. Welcome back to reality! 🙂 I love the picture of the view from your hotel, and I’m sure the rest of your trip was wonderful. Thank you for including my post on conquering unhealthy eating habits! I’ve already clicked to look at some other links from this link love! Thanks again!

    1. Thanks Melanie! The trip was really wonderful and I was so happy I could be at my friend’s wedding! Have a great week!

    1. I hope you make it! I studied abroad in Italy 12 years ago and this was my first time back. It’s such an amazing place! I’ll have to remember to take pics on Sunday of RH dinner!

  2. What a beautiful photo! I am super jealous.. I need my vacation to get her stat!! I love that you’re already back and at it, so hard to do when you get back from a trip! Way to go!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! It was a fabulous trip and it’s been really challenging to get back in the swing of things. I’m still trying to get through my inbox!! Hope you get a vaca soon!