Menu Plan Monday: Week of March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015

This week’s Menu Plan Monday and highlights from last week! 

Recipes featured in this week's Menu Plan Monday: butternut squash quinoa, Spicy Asian Meatballs, panko chicken, Moroccan chicken

At this time last week, I was sitting by a pool in Punta Cana, watching my little girls swim, enjoying the sun shining, and the luxurious feeling of warmth on my skin. That’s why you didn’t find a Menu Plan Monday last week, or any other posts for that matter! But now I’m back and so is my weekly menu and a some of my favorite recipes and articles I came across while I was away.

In case you missed my most recent recipe post, check out my Butternut Sage Risotto Balls with Lemon Honey Drizzle – my entry into the Recipe ReDux and USA Rice Federation sponsored contest. I’m so grateful for all the love I received for this recipe while I was away!

Butternut Squash Risotto Balls with Lemon Honey Drizzle

My 5 Reasons to Love Artichokes post was also picked up by Ocean Mist Farms and included in their March newsletter for The Artichoke Club!

The Ocean Mist Farms' Artichoke Club newsletter highlighted my Five Reasons to Love Artichokes post!

Here are some other recipes and articles that circulated last week and are worth a read!

Sweet Cherry Almond Breakfast Risotto @ Craving Something Healthy

Vegetarian Brown Rice & Black Bean Enchilada Toastada Cups @ The Nutritious Kitchen

Spicy Asian Meatballs with Veggie Fried Rice @ Zen & Spice

7 tips for handling picky eaters @ Mom to Mom Nutrition

125+ Registered Dietitians Who Blog @ The Lean Green Bean in honor of National Registered Dietitian Day

Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have to be Expensive @ The Baking Dietitian

Try it Tuesday: Harissa @ Marisa Moore Nutrition

Menu plan monday

This week’s menu includes some of my older recipes that I have improved on since originally posting. Be on the lookout for the upgraded recipes soon!

Week of March 16, 2015

Monday: Miso-Glazed Salmon with Caramelized Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Goat Cheese and Roasted Grapes

Tuesday: Panko Crusted Chicken with Roasted Asparagus and Carrot “Fries”

Wednesday: Spicy Asian Meatballs with Veggie Fried Rice

Thursday: Off Duty

Friday: Moroccan Chicken

Do you have a favorite recipe or link from last week?

What’s on your menu this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday

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    1. Thanks Sonali! Ooh..I can’t wait to see your ReDux post. I really wanted to take part in this month’s post, but don’t think I’ll have anything ready in time. Too much to catch up to post vacation!

    1. You’re welcome! Love that recipe and can’t wait to try it for breakfast! Thank you – hope you get a chance to try and enjoy it!