Menu Plan Monday: Week of April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014

The Jewish holiday of Passover starts tonight, which means this week’s menu will be filled with matzo, matzo, and more matzo. Sounds yummy, right?! (In case you don’t know about matzo, here’s an explanation.) All joking aside, I’m not one of the many people who thinks there is nothing but matzo, potatoes, and meat to eat on this holiday. If you balance your plate as recommended by USDA’s MyPlate, you’ll see that it’s really not so bad to follow a Passover diet for a week. Most fruits and vegetables are Kosher for Passover, as are chicken, turkey, fish, and beef (choose lean sources). Your options for filling the last quarter of your plate – grains – are a little more limited since we can’t eat some of the whole grains we usually enjoy, like farro, barley, and buckwheat. But thanks to the popularity of quinoa in the US, we do have this amazing grain to enjoy. And over the years companies have expanded their offerings, so many more options are available. In case you still feel like you’re going to be deprived, check out my updated list of Passover-friendly Nutritioulicious recipes.

Menu Plan Monday

Week of April 14, 2014

Monday: Passover Seder #1

Tuesday: Passover Seder #2

Wednesday: Greek Frittata and Salad

Thursday: Vegetable Matzo Lasagna

Friday: Roasted Chicken Breasts with Shorty’s Quinoa and Broccoli

Saturday: Matzo Pizza

If you celebrate Passover, do you feel deprived?

What are you having for dinner this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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