Have you heard? March is National Nutrition Month!

March 1, 2011

By Megan Kian

As Jessica shared with you last year, National Nutrition Month® is a campaign created by the American Dietetic Association that serves to inform and educate the public about forming healthy eating habits.

Since its start in 1973, NNM® has had several themes, including “Eat Smart, Stay Healthy” in 2004, “Eat Right” in 2009, and “Nutrition From the Ground Up” in 2010. This year’s theme, “Eat Right with Color,” is about helping people obtain the nutrients they need from colorful foods.

national nutrition month
When “Eating Right with Color” your meals should be filled with an array of color, the majority of which should come from fruit and vegetables. (Yellow cheese sauce isn’t what we’re talking about!) For example, some of the fruits and vegetables featured in the “Eat Right with Color” logo (shown above) are watermelon, yellow peppers, carrots, and avocado. But fruit and vegetables aren’t the only colorful foods you should have on your plate. You can get brown and tan foods from whole grains, white foods from white meat poultry and eggs, and orange foods include salmon and trout. This year’s theme is perfectly timed with the release of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, which emphasize filling half your plate with fruit and vegetables, increasing whole grains, and consuming more seafood.

Join the fun and check out the ideas and activities the American Dietetic Association put together to help you “Eat Right with Color.”

How are you eating right with color?

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