Meal Planning & Cooking Tips

Menu Plan Monday: Week of August 26, 2013

Believe it or not, Labor Day is a week away. Get ready for the last formal barbecue of the summer with my Nutritioulicious Labor Day BBQ Guide. And for more recent barbecue-friendly recipes, check out this post. What do you have planned  for the last unofficial week of summer? Menu Week of August 26, 2013 Monday: Mixed Green Salad with Grilled…

5 Nutrition Tips for Back to School

I’m a nutrition consultant for various food and beverage companies, but my opinions are my own. Believe it or not, it’s almost time for kids to head back to school, and that means families need to start thinking about what they’re going to feed their children to best fuel their bodies and brains throughout the school day. In an effort to simplify…

Summer Picnic Food Safety Tips

This post was written by Tiana Yom Summer is here and that means it is time for eating outdoors – picnics, pool-side dining, and eating at the beach are all fun this time of year! In fact, a couple of weeks ago people everywhere celebrated International Picnic Day! It’s so enjoyable to lay out a blanket and sit on the…

Fusilli with Fava Beans, Roasted Asparagus, Ricotta, & Mint {Recipe}

Asparagus, fava beans, and mint are tossed together in a light, lemony ricotta sauce for a spring pasta dish that’s worth working for! Fava beans are a great spring vegetable that you’ll see on restaurant menus this time of year, but many people don’t even consider making them at home and until now I was one of them. But then I…

Fearless Feeding: The Definitive Guide to Feeding Children

When people find out that I’m a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and the mother of twins, they automatically assume that I know exactly what and how to feed my children. While it’s true that I have strong opinions on what to feed them, pediatric nutrition was never my area of specialty. So when my girls started eating solid foods at…

Salad: A Double-Edged Sword

This post was written by Rosemary Squires  When you go out to eat you generally think ordering a salad is a safe choice, right? Well sometimes salad is not the healthiest option on the menu. Lots of calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats may be lurking under those seemingly healthy greens. And if you’re at one of those make-your-own salad bars, there…

Mediterranean Diet Good for Your Heart

The benefits of following a Mediterranean Diet have been touted for quite some time based on observational studies, which showed an inverse association between following a Mediterranean Diet and risk of cardiovascular disease. Until now. This week, the results of a randomized controlled study – the cream of the crop when it comes to research – were released and showed…

“Clean Eating for Busy Families” Cookbook {Recipe & Giveaway}

You know I love to cook and as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago when I told you about “America’s Favorite Food,” I still love looking through cookbooks even though there are so many recipe databases online. Thankfully, registered dietitians like myself are writing more cookbooks these days. What I love about this is that it shows just how…

Kosher Cuts of Beef, Part 2 {Guest Post}

Yesterday female butcher Kari Underly shared the best cuts of Kosher beef to use for moist heat cooking, such as braising. In part 2 of the Kosher beef series, Kari explains the best cuts of Kosher beef for grilling and sautéing. Beef shoulder ranch steak. This is a newer cut, and it’s a real gem on the grill. If your…

All About Kosher Beef {Guest Post}

Beef…it’s what’s for dinner. Remember that tagline? Many people shy away from beef these days because they think it’s the culprit of health problems. While it’s true that you should limit the amount of beef you eat per week, when eaten in moderation, like most other foods I discuss, beef can have a place in your diet. But do you…

Homemade Croutons & National Herb Week

In the food world, almost every day is a celebration. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day, in October we celebrated Eat Better, Eat Together month, and this week we’re showing some love for herbs as we celebrate National Herb Week. I’ve written about herbs before, and as you may already know, herbs…