Healthy Living

Movie Snacks

Disclosure: I am a media spokesperson for Frito Lay. As you saw yesterday, the calories, fat, and sodium in movie theater popcorn will do much more harm than good. And the candy at the counter is no better — the sizes are too big and filled with way too much sugar. So here you are, left wondering what you should…

nutritioulicious™ Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the foods that I often recommend to my clients. It makes for a healthy, balanced breakfast or snack, especially when paired with fruit, nuts, or a high-fiber cereal. When I was younger, I only liked fruit-flavored yogurt, but over the years I have acquired a taste for plain yogurt, especially the Greek variety, which I used…

Wednesday Wonders: Migraine Triggers

Q: I was reading your post about apples a few weeks ago and was wondering if apples cause migraine headaches. A friend of mine who gets migraines said apples are a trigger, but I had never heard this before. Is it true? — Carl A: Hi Carl, The jury is out on whether apples cause migraines or not, but keep…

Less Healthy Fat Talk

Earlier this week I discussed fat in general and the specifics of healthy fat. As promised, here is an explanation of those less healthy, sometimes known as unhealthy and “bad,” fats. The less healthy fats are saturated fat and trans fat. For a long time saturated fat was considered the worst offender when it comes to fat, but in recent…

Wednesday Wonders: Carb Overload

We interrupt this week’s discussion of fat for today’s nutritioulicious™ Wednesday Wonders! Q: Hi nutritioulicious™! I was recently at brunch with friends and ate more carbs than I normally do in one meal. Between my bagel with lox, noodle pudding, and a cupcake I felt like I had all my carbohydrate servings for the day! I normally try to balance…

Healthy Fat Talk

Yesterday I introduced you to the macronutrient fat and its functions in the body. Now that you know what fat does for you, it’s time to move on to what type of fat you should be eating. About 30% of your calorie intake should be from dietary fat — so if you need 1800-2000 calories a day, 540-600 calories, or…

Fat Talk

When people hear the word “fat” they often think first about their bodies and weight. However, in the nutrition world, fat means much more than that. Fat is a macronutrient that plays an important role in your diet. Many people like to say there are “good” fats and “bad” fats. My philosophy is “everything in moderation,” so I prefer to…

Wednesday Wonders: Apple Pectin

Q: Per the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” will apple pectin give the same results? If not what is a good substitute? My mother wears dentures and has trouble biting and chewing apples. — Glenn A: Hi Glenn, As you can see from yesterday’s post, apples provide many health benefits, most of which come from…

The Apple of My Eye

Many people complain about the lack of fruit options during the fall and winter. It’s true that there isn’t much variety compared to spring and summer, but one of my favorite fruits is best this time of year: Apples! There are over a dozen types of apples to choose from, but my favorites are Gala, Braeburn, and Fuji. I find…

Wednesday Wonders: Freeze Dried Fruit

Q: Hi, I was wondering what the story is with all those freeze dried fruit snacks? I always give them to my two year old instead of cookies, chips, and sugary snacks, but does it REALLY count as having fruit? What nutritional benefits are taken out with the water during the process of dehydration? — Allyson A: This is a…

Trick or Treat

With Halloween just around the corner, I want to make sure you are all prepared for the candy-fest that often occurs on Halloween. Later this week you’ll find my tips about how you and your kids can enjoy some candy without packing on the pounds. But before we get to that, here are some myths, aka tricks, and facts, aka…