Healthy Living

The Joys of Tempeh

By Megan Kian A few months ago I decided to become a vegetarian. My recent reading of Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, which offered both moral and environmental reasons to go veg, inspired my foray into a meat-free diet. Since becoming a vegetarian I’ve discovered a whole new world of food! There are so many meat substitutes (and so…

Frozen Pomegranate Seeds

Today’s post is a link to a guest post I wrote for the fabulous dietitian Robyn Webb. She was recently visiting New Zealand and Australia (so jealous!) and asked many of her fellow dietitians to guest post on her Fabulous Food Finds blog. I was thrilled and honored when she added me to the list! And just in time for…

Is MSG Safe?

The short answer is yes — MSG is included in the FDA’s Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list, and research in Europe, the US, and Asia shows that MSG used in prepared foods or as a condiment is safe for people of all ages. A few weeks ago I went to a luncheon about umami — the fifth taste. If…

Nutritioulicious Meals at Work

By Jo Bartell A friend of mine who has been working from home for the past year recently started working at an innovative startup company. She was telling me that while the transition to working in an office from 9 to 5 is a welcome change, she is finding it difficult to keep her eating habits and meals on track….

Pan-Seared Salmon with Soba Noodles

The other night I was home alone for dinner for the first time in a while, so I decided to make something that I love but my husband isn’t so fond of: Salmon. I’ve previously shared other recipes using salmon (Salmon Balls, Salmon-Cucumber Rounds), but I’ve never fully explained why salmon is so good for you! By now most everyone…

The Slow Food Movement

By Megan Kian In our fast paced society we tend to forget to take time for ourselves and slow down to enjoy what is around us. Especially when it comes to food, many people want the fastest, most convenient meal available (whether or not it is the healthiest). A semi-recent movement (it first began in 1986) called the Slow Food…

Protein from Plants

By Jo Bartell We should all know that protein is an important nutrient our body needs for its everyday functions like growing, strengthening, and repairing body tissue. All together, our bodies need twenty-two amino acids, protein building blocks, thirteen of which our bodies can make on their own. For the other nine amino acids, which are called “essential amino acids,”…

Wednesday Wonders: Mercury in Fish

Q: I try to keep a high protein diet, but don’t like to eat very much poultry or red meat. I am not a vegetarian and rely heavily on fish as a main source of protein. I am concerned that I ingest too much mercury. What kinds of fish do you suggest I buy that is low in mercury and easy to…

Have you heard? March is National Nutrition Month!

By Megan Kian As Jessica shared with you last year, National Nutrition Month® is a campaign created by the American Dietetic Association that serves to inform and educate the public about forming healthy eating habits. Since its start in 1973, NNM® has had several themes, including “Eat Smart, Stay Healthy” in 2004, “Eat Right” in 2009, and “Nutrition From the…

Eating Disorders On The Rise

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 20-26, 2011). Around this time last year I told you about NEDA and the importance of raising awareness about these serious, life-threatening illnesses. Unfortunately, rates of eating disorders are on the rise, especially in children and adolescents. In the last decade, hospitalizations for eating disorders more than doubled for children under…

The Supplement Story

By Megan Kian In our society, we are always searching for an easy way out. For example, we tend to focus on short-term diets instead of making long-term lifestyle changes. With the abundance of dietary supplements available in health food stores like GNC, you may think that you can take supplements in place of eating healthy food that will provide…