Welch’s Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest

February 1, 2017

Celebrate Heart Month with the Concord grape! Throughout February, enter your heart-healthy recipes into Welch’s Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest!

Celebrate Heart Month with the Concord grape! Throughout February, enter your heart-healthy recipes into Welch's Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest! Get all the details @jlevinsonrd!

This post and contest are sponsored by Welch’s and are in no way associated with the American Heart Association®. I was compensated for my time and for hosting the Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest, but as always all opinions are my own.

UPDATE: Announcing Contest Winners!

Thank you to all who entered the Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest! There were so many delicious recipes and creative uses of Welch’s 100% grape juice, but the judges have spoken!

1st place winner: Thai Spring Rolls with Sweet & Spicy Grape Dipping Sauce by Jessica @ Well Fed Nutrition

Thai Spring Rolls with Sweet and Spicy Grape Sauce @ Well Fed Nutrition
2nd place winner: Vegan Tempeh Mushroom Bourguignon by Emily @ Sinful Nutrition

Vegan Tempeh Bourguignon @ Sinful Nutrition

Congrats to Jessica and Emily, and thanks again to all who participated!

In honor of American Heart Month, which is celebrated throughout the month of February, I am excited to announce that I have partnered with Welch’s to host the Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest!

Those gorgeous dark purple Concord grapes deliver beneficial plant-nutrients called polyphenols and research shows that 100% grape juice made from these grapes helps support a healthy heart by promoting healthy circulation and keeping your blood pumping and energy flowing. Welch’s 100% Grape Juice is made by pressing whole Concord grapes – skin, seeds and all – to capture the grape’s big taste and natural polyphenol goodness. It’s the best way to enjoy the one-of-a-kind Concord grape all year, wherever you live.

That’s why this February, Welch’s is looking for winning recipes that use Welch’s 100% Grape Juice and meet the American Heart Association’s® Heart-Check Recipe Nutrition Requirements.

Whether you’re a registered dietitian nutritionist, chef, healthy food blogger, or just enjoy spending time in the kitchen creating nutritious and delicious recipes that are also good for your heart, you definitely want to keep reading to learn all about this contest and the great prizes you can win!

These Welch's Grape Juice Chia Cups are heart-healthy and great inspiration for Welch's Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest!

Dates and Eligibility

The Taste the Mighty Concord recipe contest is open from February 1, 2017 through February 28, 2017 March 6, 2017 to anyone with recipe development experience who maintains a blog that contains food and nutrition content, is a legal resident of the United States plus the District of Columbia, and is at least 18 years of age.

Recipe Criteria

All submitted recipes must adhere to the following:

  • Contain Welch’s 100% Grape Juice as an ingredient
  • Comply with the following recipe format:
    • Recipe Title
    • Recipe Category (appetizer, side dish, main dish, etc.)
    • Recipe Image (strongly encouraged, but not required)
    • Preparation Time, Cook Time, and Total Time
    • Number of Servings
    • Ingredient List, including the following
      • Ingredient name
      • Quantity and measurement – provided in common household measures (e.g., one large red onion or 1 cup chopped red onion)
      • Primary state (e.g., boneless/skinless, low-fat) and secondary state (e.g., drained, rinsed)
    • Preparation Instructions
  • Be free of these prohibited ingredients:
    • Bacon (includes fatback and pork belly)
    • Butter (and lard)
    • Candy and Confections (including chocolate chips)
    • Full and Reduced-Fat Dairy (low-fat and fat-free are allowed)
    • Dietary Supplements* (i.e., whey protein powder, fish oil)
    • Pudding/Gelatin Dessert with Added Sugars (sugar-free are allowed)
    • Stanol- or Sterol-Containing Products (i.e., products formulated with plant-based compounds that have been shown to lower cholesterol; i.e., Benecol®, fortified salad dressing)
    • Stick Margarine (unless <0.5 g trans fatty acids per serving and free from Partially-Hydrogenated Oils)
    • Sugary Cereals (>9 g per serving)
    • Tropical Oils (i.e., coconut, palm, palm kernel) or products containing them
    • Whipped Toppings
*The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements defines supplements as: contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents.
  • Include nutrition analysis per serving – you may use industry-standard nutrition analysis software program (i.e., Genesis, Food Processor) or online programs (i.e., SuperTracker or MyFitnessPal) capable of generating a nutrition profile.
    • Include Calories, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, Sodium, Added Sugar (provided in teaspoons)
  • Meet heart-health nutrition recipe requirements established by the American Heart Association® (AHA) found here.

Welch's Korean Style Pulled Chicken Sliders are heart healthy and great inspiration for Welch's Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest!


Following the close of the recipe submission period, all recipes will be judged based on the creative use of Welch’s 100% Grape Juice, the recipe’s nutrition profile, and taste. Two contest winners will be awarded the following prizes:

  • 1st Place Winner: $500
  • 2nd Place Winner (Runner-Up): $250

How to Participate

In order to participate in the Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest, between February 1st and 28th post your recipe (including all the information listed under the Recipe Criteria above) on a personal website or blog and link up with the other recipe contest entries using the InLinkz code found here: https://goo.gl/sSKOMQ. You must add the InLinkz code to the bottom of your recipe submission post and add your post URL to the thumbnail gallery.

Your post must adhere to the Official Contest Rules and include at least one of the following key messages:

  • Thanks to the dark purple Concord grape, 100% grape juice helps support a healthy heart by promoting healthy circulation and keeping your blood pumping and energy flowing.
  • 100% grape juice made with Concord grapes provides many of the same polyphenols (or plant nutrients) and heart-health benefits as red wine.
  • 100% grape juice is an easy and delicious way to get the heart-health benefits of the one-of-a-kind Concord grape.
  • Nearly 20 years of research say that 100% grape juice made with Concord grapes helps support a healthy heart.


All website/blog posts and social media mentions must follow FTC guidelines. Website or blog posts must include an appropriate Disclosure Statement at the beginning of the post (see below for example).

Sample disclosure statement: By posting this recipe, I am entering my recipe into the Taste the Mighty Concord Welch’s Recipe Contest, a sponsored recipe contest in which I am eligible to win prizes. I was not compensated for my time.

Posts on social media (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter), regardless of platform, must prominently display the hashtag #TastetheMightyConcord for contest promotion and #AD or #Sponsored for proper disclosure.

Are you ready to make some heart-healthy nutritious and delicious recipes with the mighty Concord grape? I can’t wait to see your recipe submissions here!

What are you going to enter into the Taste the Mighty Concord Recipe Contest? 

Images in the post provided by Welch’s. 

Heart-Check certification does not apply to information or to links unless expressly stated.

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    1. So excited to see what you come up with Abbie! Unfortunately only one entry per person is permitted. Take a look at the official rules link for all the details. I bet you have some wonderful ideas!

    1. Thanks EA! I especially like grape juice in sauces and marinades. Would love to see a gluten-free, low FODMAP recipe from you 😉