The Nutritional Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables

January 4, 2013

This post was written by Tara Milhem

Hi readers! After all the hype on green juices and green vegetables, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s so good about them and what they can do for you. The answer is A LOT!

Cruciferous vegetables are some of the most functional (and delicious) foods we can include in our diets. The family of cruciferous vegetables includes broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts. One of the greatest benefits of these veggies is their ability to ward off cancer and other diseases, thanks to the antioxidants they contain, including vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. The immense amount of phytonutrients present in this class of vegetables has been shown to stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens before they can damage our cells.

Green veggies are known for being low-calorie and nutrient-dense. For example broccoli is known for its high vitamin C and vitamin K levels, which contribute to a strong immune system and bone health. Kale is also a rich source of vitamin C and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, and fiber – talk about a nutrient-rich vegetable! In order to retain these nutrients, it’s best to consume them raw or lightly cooked. Here are some of my favorite ways to enjoy cruciferous vegetables:

In some of my upcoming posts I’ll share these delicious recipes with you – so stay tuned!

What are your favorite recipes for cruciferous vegetables?

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