The Heart Truth

February 10, 2011

As you may already know (especially if you read this post last year), February is American Heart Month. For the past ten years, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has sponsored The Heart Truth campaign to spread awareness and educate women about heart disease – the number one killer of women.

The Heart Truth campaign warns women about heart disease and provides them with tools to help them take action against its risk factors. In 2002, The Heart Truth created the Red Dress as a national symbol for women and heart disease awareness. The Red Dress links women’s focus on their outer selves to the need to also focus on their inner selves and their health. In 2003 The Heart Truth collaborated with the fashion industry, and top designers created the Red Dress Collection that celebrities and models wore in New York’s Fashion Week.

For the past four years Diet Coke has partnered with the NHLBI in support of The Heart Truth. Diet Coke cans and bottles feature a new “heart flag” image and Diet Coke is sponsoring Caprture the Flag games across the country, raising money for local heart health organizations. You can get involved in Capture the Flag too!

This year I had the opportunity to be involved in The Heart Truth campaign by serving on a panel with three young women who are performers at Lincoln Center (Fashion Week is now at Lincoln Center in NY). In keeping with this year’s themes for The Heart Truth, we discussed how we live heart healthy lives, and inspire, empower, and advocate for other women to do the same. Following the panel discussion, we went across the street to watch the fabulous Red Dress Fashion Show. What I especially loved about this fashion show was that walking down the runway were woman of all ages, shapes, and sizes. This was not your typical fashion show with a bunch of pouty-looking models. These were real women (albeit celebrities, but not models), who were having fun and proud to be part of such a wonderful and important event.

Here’s a look at the fashion show:

Heart health month
Photo Source: OK Magazine
julianne hough red dress
Photo Source: CBS News

What do you do to inspire, empower, and advocate women’s heart health?

Disclaimer: I am a consultant for the Coca-Cola Company, but I did not receive compensation for this post.

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  1. Hi there! do you know where to get diet coke the heart truth bottle?? I’m looking for it! Thanks a lot in advance. Marco

  2. Well the problem is that i’m not from NY, I’m from Italy. I’ll be in town in two days and i’d like to know where to buy the bottles without speding too much time! Is it possible to find them in any supermarket?
    If you can indicate a store or a mall where i can find them, that would be GREAT! Thanks, Marco

    1. I think most regular supermarkets will have them. Sorry I don’t know specifically where though. Good luck and safe travels.

  3. Sounds fun. I do take issue with a soda company (or a chocolate company) promoting heart health on a basic issue. I think women’s health would be better without soda. Soda aside, your blog is great and in the interest of inspiring people we can all agree in the blogosphere to disagree.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Lauren. I appreciate what you are saying, but I think it’s important to keep in mind that as much as we try to help people live healthier lives and make better choices, some people will continue to consume foods and beverages that aren’t stellar for their health. And as a result, I think that food companies that offer options (e.g. mini cans of soda, diet soda, individually wrapped pieces of dark chocolate) are being realistic and taking steps to help people make better choices. As you said, we can agree to disagree!