Thanksgiving Recap

December 2, 2013

thanksgiving and hanukkah decor

For most of you, today is the first day back after a long holiday weekend. While it’s not always so easy to get back to the daily grind after time off spent with friends and family, there’s something nice about getting back to routine – shuttling the kids off to school, getting in a workout (especially nice after a food-filled holiday!), going back to the office so you can get through the pile of work that’s built up. Ok, so maybe that last one isn’t so much fun, but it will certainly be stress relieving to get through it all!

I certainly have what to catch up on here at Nutritioulicious, starting with my recap of our Thanksgiving feast and sharing some of my Nutritioulicious recipes. Stay tuned this week for some of those dishes – even though Thanksgiving is over, you may be inspired for Christmas, New Years, or any of the other winter weekends coming our way. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a few photos of Thanksgiving day at our house – or to be more precise, Thanksgivukkah day!  Oh, and in case you haven’t figured it out, this week’s menu plan consists of a lot of leftovers!

Thanksgiving table decor

Thanksgiving hanukkah decor

Roasted Squash and Grape Flatbread

Thanksgiving Dinner Spread

Thanksgiving Turkey

How was your Thanksgiving?

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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