zucchini muffins

Tomato Jam

Tomatoes are at their prime right now, and every week I’ve been getting lots of them from my CSA — cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, plum tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes — you name it, I’ve got it! Besides popping the cherry ones into my mouth straight from the box and adding them to salads, I’ve been trying to use the tomatoes in…

Yellow Squash Carrot Muffins

Summer squash is still in season and if you’re like me and still getting a bunch from your local farmers market or CSA, you may be tired of grilling or sautéing it! Last week I decided to do something different with my yellow summer squash: make muffins! While I love to cook, I rarely bake, as you can see by…

Using Summer Squash

Yesterday I told you about the different types of summer squash and their nutritional benefits. Whether or not you have made summer squash before, I wanted to share some different ways to cook with it and use it: Grill it. Toss sliced squash with olive oil, salt, and pepper and grill until cooked and browned on both sides. Below is…