omega-3 fatty acids

Cooking with Flax Seed

Disclosure: I received samples of Carrington Farms products and was invited to be an All Good April Ambassador. I was not paid for this review or post. All opinions are my own. As you’re preparing for spring and restocking our kitchen, why not try some new products that add flavor and nutrients to your meals? What kind of products am…

Pan-Seared Salmon with Soba Noodles

The other night I was home alone for dinner for the first time in a while, so I decided to make something that I love but my husband isn’t so fond of: Salmon. I’ve previously shared other recipes using salmon (Salmon Balls, Salmon-Cucumber Rounds), but I’ve never fully explained why salmon is so good for you! By now most everyone…

Wednesday Wonders: Mercury in Fish

Q: I try to keep a high protein diet, but don’t like to eat very much poultry or red meat. I am not a vegetarian and rely heavily on fish as a main source of protein. I am concerned that I ingest too much mercury. What kinds of fish do you suggest I buy that is low in mercury and easy to…

Interesting Walnut Facts

A couple of weeks ago the California Walnut Commission invited me (along with 14 other food and nutrition bloggers) to the yearly Walnut Harvest Festival in Sacramento, California. Over the course of the day and a half I was in California, I learned so much about walnuts and ate a whole lot of them too! My next few posts will…

Happy Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in Americans, and interestingly, more women die of heart disease than men. Regardless of your gender, it’s important to recognize what puts you at risk and what you can do to prevent heart disease. There are 5 lifestyle factors that affect your risk of heart disease:…

Healthy Fat Talk

Yesterday I introduced you to the macronutrient fat and its functions in the body. Now that you know what fat does for you, it’s time to move on to what type of fat you should be eating. About 30% of your calorie intake should be from dietary fat — so if you need 1800-2000 calories a day, 540-600 calories, or…

Wednesday Wonders: Pumpkin Seeds

Q: Nutritionally, is there a difference between eating pumpkin seeds and/or taking pumpkin seed oil? I take this to keep uric acid down and prevent gout.  – Glenn A: Hi Glenn, I have never heard of a link between pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil and uric acid, nor has there been any research that I could find showing a…

The Benefits of Tofu

The star of yesterday’s recipe, Tofu Stir Fry, was none other than tofu. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, tofu is a versatile source of protein that takes on the flavors of whatever you cook it in, which makes it stand out in the protein world. But what is tofu and what are some of it’s benefits? Tofu is made…