nut health

Praise for Nutritious and Delicious Nuts!

Join the fan club as flavorful and nutritious nuts finally get the praise they deserve! Disclosure: Nuts.com provided me with the infographic below, but I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.  It most likely doesn’t surprise you to hear that nuts are a healthy addition to any diet. But for some people, the idea of…

Celebrate Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day with Almonds!

As I mentioned last week, March is National Nutrition Month®, and today RDNs everywhere are celebrating Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day! Check out last year’s post about RD Day to learn more about what a registered dietitian nutritionist does and how they can help you! In honor of our special day, the Almond Board of California surprised RDNs around the country…