healthy mexican food

Fish Tacos

A couple of weeks ago was Cinco de Mayo, a day when people were out having tequila shots, chips and salsa, and all sorts of Mexican food. Unfortuantely I didn’t get to celebrate that day, but reading blog posts about the day definitely put me in the mood for some Mexican food of my own. So the next night I whipped up some fish tacos for a fun, interactive dinner. The next time you’re in the mood for Mexican, make some at home and try this recipe! … read more »

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Today people are celebrating Cinco de Mayo, a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride and a commemoration of the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War (according to Wikipedia). As part of the celebration, you may be going out for Mexican food and having a margarita (or two). But before you do, you…

Real Mexican Dining

Last week I was on vacation in Mexico. It was great being away from the snow for a week, relaxing on the beach, and enjoying delicious Mexican cuisine. Many typical Mexican dishes in the States aren’t so good for your waistline — fried tacos, enchiladas, overstuffed burritos, sodium and fat laden refried beans, sour cream on the side of almost…