Sugar is a Scapegoat

June 25, 2012

Soda and sugar have been in the news way too much lately. Somehow sugar has become the scapegoat of our country’s obesity epidemic. Last week Mayor Bloomberg proposed a ban on the sale of soda and other sugar sweetened beverages greater than 16 ounces at stadiums, restaurants, delis, theaters, and other food sellers (although not grocery or convenience stores) in New York City. The ban has many loopholes – including the fact that you can buy two 16 ounce drinks and free refills would be allowed. In my opinion, the ban is not the answer to the weight and health problems people face.

Thankfully, I’m not the only one who doesn’t agree with Bloomberg’s plan. Dr. David Katz, the founding director of Yale’s Prevention Research Center, doesn’t think a soda ban is the answer either. In the article, “Perils of a Sugar-Coated Scapegoat,” Dr. Katz gives his reasons for why sugar is not poison. Dr. Katz believes that the fixation on sugar as poison will result in harm to our public health because “when the truth gets too hyped-up and too dumbed-down, it ceases to be the truth.” I couldn’t agree more.

Disclaimer: I am a consultant to the Corn Refiners Association (CRA); however, all statements and opinions are my own.

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