Picture Perfect Dining

April 7, 2010

A common trend that I’ve noticed since I joined the blogosphere is that people love to post pictures of their food and share what they are eating with others. What’s more is that people love to read about and see what others eat!

Whether bloggers photograph and post their food as a food journal for themselves or they do it for reader interest is not always clear. What is apparent, is that blogs that have photos of food seem to do better than those without! I have seen this firsthand right here, and today the NY Times took a look at exactly this phenomenon in the article “First Camera, Then Fork.” And if you’re curious to see what people around the world (and readers of the Times) are eating, take a look at the food photos readers submitted of what they ate today.

What do you think of this trend? Do you like seeing what other people eat?

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  1. I’m split on the issue. As a chef, I like seeing interesting platings and pairings, but it annoys me if the food isn’t either somewhat creative, or at least really beautifully photographed. As someone with a little nutritional/behavioral background, I worry that some people are too food-centric.

    I’m an avid Facebooker, and have noticed that status updates come in waves; there will be a day when for some reason (maybe it’s a rainy Saturday and a full moon?) a high percentage of the statuses have to do with cookies or pie…

    1. Thanks for your comment Lisa. I agree with the worry of people who are too food-centric. I work with people who have disordered eating and sometimes the obsession with what others are eating or what they themselves have eaten, even the perfection of it, makes me wary of their state of mind.