Menu Plan Monday: Week of October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015

Nutritioulicious posts you may have missed last week, plus this week’s squash-filled Menu Plan Monday. 

Nutritioulicious Menu Plan Monday featuring recipes @memeinge @alannam6 @foodiephysician @holleygrainger

Hope everyone had a great weekend! In case you missed it, Saturday was the annual celebration of Food Day. I joined a Food Day Blogger Takeover and shared my thoughts on making fruits and vegetables center stage. I’d love to hear how you you work towards a greener diet, so please share your thoughts with me!

Encourage kids to make fruits and veggies center stage on their plates by keeping it delicious and fun. @jlevinsonRD

And if you’re trying to get more seasonal produce into your diet, be sure to check out my fall recipe roundup with over 45 RDN-approved recipes!

The ultimate fall recipe roundup! Over 45 nutritious and delicious fall recipes that will keep you cooking all season long. @jlevinsonrd

Now that you’re caught up on what’s been going on here at Nutritioulicious, take a look at some of my favorite links from other blogs last week, followed by this week’s Menu Plan Monday below (which features a handful of my friend Sonali’s recipes from her latest book Natural Pregnancy Cookbook – stay tuned for a review of it later this week, and no, I am not pregnant!).

menu plan monday and link love at nutritioulicious


The Great Fat Debate @ Your Choice Nutrition by Dietitian Brittany

8 Sources of Plant-Based Protein @ The Grateful Grazer

Playground Workout For Busy Moms @ Physical Kitchness (this is so clever and fun!)

5 Tips for Planning Better Self-Care Right Now @ Leslie Schilling

My Three Step Method for Detoxing (and it doesn’t involve green juice or suffering) @ Avocado a Day Nutrition (All I can say is YES!)

5 Daily Healthy Habits I’m Teaching My Kids @ Real Mom Nutrition (Once again, Sally and I are on the exact same page!)


Pumpkin Peanut Butter Layer Brownies @ Strength and Sunshine

Twice Baked Sweet Potato with Wild Blueberries @ Food Confidence

Everything Bagel Cauliflower @ Holley Grainger RD

Grain Free Hot Chocolate Brownies @ Cotter Crunch

Sweet Potato Hummus with Roasted Chickpeas @ The Almond Eater

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars @ Nutritious Eats

menu plan monday
Week of October 26, 2015

Monday: Leftover Pumpkin Chili with Quinoa

Tuesday:  Miso-Glazed Salmon with Roasted Butternut Squash Salad and Miso-Roasted Brussels Sprouts (recipes from Natural Pregnancy Cookbook)

Wednesday: Spaghetti Squash Lasagna (another recipe from Sonali!)

Thursday: Off duty!

Friday: Beef Negimaki with Everything Bagel Cauliflower and Roasted Delicata Squash with Pecans & Cherries

Tell Me: Have you been eating a lot of winter squash this fall?

As you can see, we certainly are!

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

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  1. I have definitely been getting my fill of winter squash and there is so much more to come!! I also LOVE Sonali’s miso Brussels sprouts – so good! Thanks for including my delicata squash recipe 🙂

    1. You’re so welcome! I was bummed trader joe’s didn’t have delicata squash when I went yesterday, but hopefully it will be in by the end of the week!

  2. Thanks for including my link! This past week had some great articles and recipes!
    And yes, we love winter squash at my house – I think we’ll be trying some of those recipes!

    1. You’re so welcome Brittany! There were definitely a lot of great shares this week – good content all around. enjoy the squash!