Menu Plan Monday: Week of May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

Menu plan Monday including halibut ceviche, rosemary garlic tomatoes, lamb with raspberry mint sauce, and cheesy baked quinoa

Celebrate May with nutritious and delicious recipes and links you’ll love!

Happy May everyone! We’re starting the first week of May with 70-80 degree weather here in NY! So happy it’s finally nice out. Now if only this darn cold would go away  😕

There’s a lot to celebrate in May: National Celiac Awareness Month, Cinco de Mayo, International No Diet Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Osteoporosis Prevention Month, and more! We will be celebrating some of these special occasions on the blog, starting with celiac awareness.

Celebrate National Celiac Awareness Month by dining out stress free with these tips from Nicole Cogan at

In case you missed it, this past Saturday Nicole Cogan of shared a guest post with us about dining out gluten free without the stress. Personally I am very grateful that no one in my family has celiac or any food allergies/intolerances for that matter, but as more people are identifying a negative reaction to gluten, these are important tips to keep in mind.

Look for more celiac awareness tips and information in the Link Love below, where you’ll also find some Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day inspiration. And be sure to check back later this week when I’ll be sharing a special recipe in honor of osteoporosis prevention.

Link Love

The Struggle of Forgiveness @ Strength and Sunshine

Myth Monday: Eating for Two During Pregnancy @ Your Choice Nutrition by Dietitian Brittany

When Life Happens @ Hummusapien

5 Shades of Grey in Nutrition by Janet Helm

Special for Celiac Awareness Month:

Eating Gluten Free on a Budget @ The Pretty Bee

Gluten Free: Dietary Disaster or Delight? @ The Nutty Nutritionist

Dietitian Approved Wheat-Free Snacks and Recipes by Jill Castle (including two of my recipes!)

Special for Cinco de Mayo:

46 Healthy, Gluten-Free Cinco de Mayo Recipes @ The Spicy RD

Strawberry Mint Margarita @ Dietitian Debbie

15 Mexican Quinoa Recipes for Cinco de Mayo @ Simply Quinoa

The 6 Ways People Screw Up Guacamole @ Healthy Seasonal Recipes

Huevos Rancheros Over Polenta Cakes @ Nutrition a la Natalie

Special for Mother’s Day:

Sweet Potato Pancakes @ The Foodie Physician

menu plan monday

Week of May 4, 2015

Monday: Early Cinco de Mayo celebration: Halibut Ceviche, Cheesy Black Bean + Quinoa Taco Bake, and Spinach Salad with Jicama and Lime Vinaigrette

Tuesday: Out for a work event; family will enjoy Cinco de Mayo leftovers!

Wednesday: Out to celebrate my sister’s 40th birthday!

Thursday: Sunny Side Up Egg Salad with Rosemary Garlic Roasted Tomatoes

Friday: Grilled Lamb with Raspberry Mint Sauce and Grilled Garlicky Green Beans & Carrots

Are you having a Cinco de Mayo feast this week?

What will you be serving?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday

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