Menu Plan Monday: Week of February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

More snow coming our way and this week’s Menu Plan Monday

Every winter I say the same thing: If I ever move across the country to California, it will be because of the snowy winters in New York. Boy am I feeling that way again today. Last week’s Menu Plan Monday post was all about the impending storm due to arrive Monday afternoon into Tuesday morning. We didn’t get hit as hard as projected (I predicted that would be the case), but it was enough for school to be closed and everyone to be stuck at home for a snow day. We made the best of it with Oatmeal Peanut Butter Pancakes, playing in the snow, reading lots of books with the kids, and cooking up some Nutritioulicious minestrone soup.

snow day fun

Yes, it was fun, but one snow day is enough for me for the winter. And as I’m writing this on Sunday evening, we’re gearing up for another storm. This one is only supposed to be 3-5 inches, but I’m not holding my breath for the news that school is canceled once again, meaning another long day stuck inside with the kids. Don’t get me wrong – I love my kids, but by the end of the weekend I can’t wait to get back to work and have them be someone else’s responsibility for a few hours!

Let’s hope that I’m wrong and school won’t be canceled so we can get back to a normal weekday routine. Otherwise next winter you may find me in California!

menu plan monday Week of February 2, 2015

Monday: Chickpea, Fennel, and Citrus Quinoa (inspired by this recipe from The Kitchn; moved over from last week)

Tuesday: Chicken Vegetable Udon Soup

Wednesday: Sweet Potato Egg Boats So much leftover udon soup! Moving this to next week’s menu

Thursday: Winter Poached Salmon Salad (a variation on this recipe)

Friday: Off Duty! Invited to a friend’s house for dinner

What’s on your menu this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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    1. haha..thanks! When life hands you lemons what else can you do but make lemonade 😉 Poaching salmon is seriously the easiest thing! Cross it off the bucket list soon!

  1. This is the time I question why I moved from California back to NY in the middle of winter…I just keep telling myself “it’s not so bad”. Is it spring yet?? This week is all about warm comfort foods and turning on the oven!! Have a great week!

    1. that’s a good question! But NY is fabulous the rest of the year, so I get the move! What warming foods will you be having this week? Stay warm and enjoy!

  2. I love your menu for this week, and I think I am definitely going to have to try the Sweet Potato Egg Boat! Good luck with all the snow (especially since I think the Groundhog saw his shadow today…)

    1. Thanks Melanie! I found those sweet potato egg boats on Pinterest last week – aren’t they adorable?! I heard the groundhog news 🙁 Thanks for the well wishes!