Menu Plan Monday: Week of December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013

With Christmas week behind us, it’s amazing that 2014 is only a couple days away. Boy, did this year go by quickly! And right after we toast to the New Year, we’ll be celebrating my twin daughters’ 2nd birthday. I can’t believe they will be TWO!!!

Even though you still have New Year’s Eve parties and dinners to get through, you may be already thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Before you write a whole long list of changes you want to make in 2014, check out my old post about resolving all year round and come back tomorrow for some more encouragement to start the New Year on the right foot!

In the meantime, start the week off prepared with a nutritious and delicious meal plan!

Menu plan monday

Week of December 30, 2013 

Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: New Year’s Eve dinner at friends – bringing Tomato Ricotta Tart

Wednesday: Mexican Frittata and Spinach Salad with Jicama, Black Beans, and Lime Vinaigrette

Thursday: Sweetpotato Black Bean Quesadillas with leftover Spinach Salad

Friday: Thai Peanut Chicken with Shorty’s Brown Rice and Roasted Broccoli

What are your New Year’s Plans?

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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