Menu Plan Monday: Week of August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

With just a few more weeks of summer left, I’m hoping the sun will stay shining so I can grill most of my meals this week! Gotta take advantage while I can! This week’s menu has a couple of oldies but goodies from the recipe archives. Check them out and let me know what you think!

Menu Plan Monday - Recipe Archives

Week of August 18, 2014

Monday: Corn & Basil Cakes with Lemon Yogurt Sauce and Side Salad

Tuesday: Soy Ginger Chicken Negimaki with Grilled Garlicky Green Beans

Wednesday: Pasta with Red Pepper Tomato Sauce, Broccoli, and Summer Squash

Thursday: Off Duty!

Friday: BBQ Chicken with Marinated Zucchini with Mint and Grilled Corn, Basil, and Tomato Salad

What’s on your dinner menu this week?

Tweet me @JLevinsonRD with #DinnerTonight

Linking up at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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